Barbet | Facts & Information
# Barbet | Facts & Information
Barbet | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Barbet
Other names: French Water Dog, Barbet Water Spaniel
Origin: France
Group: Sporting
Weight: 17-28 kg
Height: males: 57-66 cm females: 52-62 cm
Colors: white, black, gray, brown
Dressage: easy to train, smart
Care: must be brushed frequently
Health: beware of allergies
Chickens: 5-9 chickens
Average age: 13 – 15 years
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Temperament: obedient, intelligent, energetic
It is an ancient French breed whose origin is not very clear. It is among the ancestors of many breeds existing today such as: Griffon, Poodle, Terranova, Briard, etc.
These dogs had various roles: hunters, flock handlers, sailor dogs used to bring ropes, lost items.
The Barbet breed is an old French breed, but this dog is also considered the first water dog. The Barbet comes under various names, including the Barbet Water Spaniel, Griffon D'arret a Poil laineux and the French Water Dog.
Its name comes from "barbe", a French word meaning "beard".
Barbet Food
The Barbet generally needs 400-500g of food daily.
The type of food chosen for your dog must contain all the nutrients he needs whether it is dry or canned food, or whether the food is cooked in the House.
One aspect that is not given much importance, although it is the easiest to notice many ignore it, is the activity of the dog and the shine of its coat.
Following a balanced meal divided into 2-3 servings each day the dog will definitely be happy.
Read more about ... dog food
Appearance Barbet
It is a medium-sized dog, vigorous, strong, supple. The head is rather small, skull wide, round, snout short, partrate and a large black or brown nose. The eyes are round, dark brown in color and covered by rich hair on the head.
The ears are set low, wide, loose and covered with rich, curly hair, forming strands. His head is covered with rich, curly hair, forming whiskers and beards. The tail is of medium length, with a small hook at the tip and covered by curly hair.
The coat consists of a long, soft wavy or curly hair, often, waterproof and can be black, white, gray, Chestnut, reddish-brown, sand color.
According to the Kennel Club of Great Britain, the Barbet is a medium-sized breed with a thick and woolly coat. In addition, the club mentions that the breed's fur is long and shiny, and these characteristics are important since the breed is a water one.
These dogs could be likened to the Portuguese water breed or to a larger breed of poodles, which are also water dogs.
An ideal mature Barbet weighs between 15 and 25 kg. As I said before, this breed can come in different shades and we remember Chestnut, Tan, black and gray. In combination with these shades can appear and white, but not all the time.
With a distinct appearance, it's no wonder that the Barbet requires regular care. Without brushing or regular combing, the fur becomes tangled.
Barbet Behavior
It is an intelligent, courageous dog, harsh to himself and honest, balanced, malleable, sociable and friendly.
Affectionate and devoted to the master, he is loving and patient with children, and strangers will be notified. It gets along well with other dogs and other household animals.
The Continental Kennel Club describes the breed as energetic and free. The standard also states that dogs should not be shy or aggressive, but should be loyal to their owner.
Barbet dogs love water and are perfect companions for hunters because they love the wild. They are not scared of cold weather and will jump into the water no matter how cold it is.
Barbet Dressage
It is a dog that is easily trained because it is intelligent, sensitive to the intonation of the master's voice, eager to work and wants to please the master.
However, training must be consistent and firm enough to be taken seriously by the dog.
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Features Barbet
It is a dog that easily adapts to the conditions of an apartment, but it feels best in a fenced yard where it can move freely.
It is recommended for a loving, affectionate and active family. He likes to take long walks, to swim to make intake, to run freely, without a leash, to have occupation because he likes to work.
The coat of this dog should be brushed and combed frequently and regularly so as not to infringe.
Keep your ears clean. It is a good hunter in the water, excellent swimmer even in very cold waters. It is a wonderful companion dog.
Barbet Diseases
Certain blood groups may suffer from allergies, which can be mild or severe. In dogs, allergy symptoms appear on the skin, and the type of allergen that affects each dog may be different.
Examples of allergens include both allergens that can affect humans; including pollen, dust, or mold.
Cataracts could also occur in this breed; although this disease should not be confused with the aging process, in this case Nuclear Sclerosis occurs.
Hip dysplasia is not a rare condition in this breed. Hip dysplasia is a condition that consists of dislocation of the hip.
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Barbet | Facts & InformationBarbet | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Barbet