Barbunul | Facts & Information
# Barbunul | Facts & Information
Barbunul | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Barbunul
The Red barbun belongs to the Mullidae family which includes 55 different species.
The barbel is a freshwater fish that belongs to the Cyprinidae family and the Barbus genus. This species is widespread in Europe, from rivers and lakes in the North Sea and Black Sea basins to rivers in the Balkan and Italian Peninsula.This fish has a distinctive appearance that makes it easily recognizable. Its body is elongated, strongly laterally compressed, and covered with large scales. You can easily recognize it by the red-orange color of the scales on the lower part of its body, which contributes to its popular name "barbel." It also has a sharp and irritating snout called a pronință, which helps it feed on algae and small organisms.
The barbel lives in rivers with flowing water and medium depths. It chooses habitats with clear and clean water, as well as a rocky or sandy substrate. It usually prefers rivers with rich vegetation, as they provide shelter and abundant food. Although it is not a migratory species, barbel can move upstream during the breeding season.
The diet of this fish consists mainly of algae, phytoplankton, and zooplankton. It also feeds on insect larvae, crustaceans, and mollusks, which it finds in the river substrate. Barbel are omnivorous fish, but their diet changes depending on the season and the availability of food resources.
During the breeding season, which takes place in spring and summer, barbel change their behavior and become more agitated. They choose shallow areas with dense vegetation and a rocky substrate, where they gather in large groups to reproduce. Typically, the female deposits the eggs in aquatic vegetation, and the male fertilizes them immediately. The eggs remain attached to plants and stay in the water for two weeks until hatching.
The barbel is quite popular in sport fishing, thanks to its strong resistance and the beauty of its scales. They captivate anglers with their fighting characteristics and enjoy the increasing popularity of the sport. Also, the barbel is appreciated for its tasty and nutritious meat, having commercial value in certain regions.
However, the barbel also faces certain threats. Pollution, habitat destruction, and overfishing have led to a decline in populations in some rivers. Therefore, it is important to protect and conserve this fish. Some organizations and government institutions are currently working on establishing protection measures and habitat management to ensure the survival and well-being of the barbel.
In conclusion, the barbel is a widespread freshwater fish in Europe that belongs to the Cyprinidae family and the Barbus genus. It has a red-orange color on the scales of the lower part of its body, which gives it the popular name "barbel." It lives in rivers with flowing water and prefers habitats with clear water and rich vegetation. The barbel is an omnivorous fish that feeds on algae, insect larvae, and crustaceans. During the breeding season, it gathers in large groups and deposits its eggs in aquatic vegetation. The fish is sought after in both sport fishing and for its tasty meat. However, it is important to protect and conserve the barbel habitat to ensure its long-term survival.
The red barbun is found mainly in the eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean and Black Seas. They prefer soft, sandy soil and swim to a depth of 2-20 m.
In coastal subtropical waters, such as the Azores, one can also find red barbs at a depth of 65 meters. In summer, the red barbun generally stays longer near the coast, while from autumn to spring it can be seen in deeper waters.
About 40,000 tonnes are caught in the Mediterranean each year.
Barbunul Food
It feeds on fish that live in small groups in temperate and tropical seas.
Under the jaw, it has two strands in the form of long whiskers with which it detects, feels and tastes food.
They consume small crustaceans, worms, mollusks, which they look for in cirques on sandy bottoms.
Features Barbunul
It can reach a length of 35 cm, although on average it has less, about 20 cm at a weight of 1.5 kilograms.
Even if it is difficult to find through our fisheries and is a little peppery at the price , barbun remains a special fish for special occasions. It has pink flesh, and its taste makes you think of seafood.
Special days also require special meals. Special dishes, luxury dishes maybe. Not necessarily to amaze our guests, but also for ourselves to give the value that is due to the event.
If you want to buy red barbun you need to pay attention to the freshness indicators of the fish. Take into account the smell, but do not forget about the color of the meat either. When the fish is very fresh, the meat should be a bright pink, very firm.
If you have decided to buy it, barbun must be cooked in no time, because it is very perishable. If you can not prepare it on the day it was purchased, the barbun should be put in aluminum foil, in the coldest place in the refrigerator.
It enjoys a great appreciation among gourmets due to the fact that, having fatter meat, its taste is close to that of seafood.
This association is made largely because the barbun feeds on all kinds of mollusks, hence its meat borrows some of the flavors. Even after being cooked, the barbun retains the scent of the sea, and its flesh becomes soft.
Even the liver of this fish is considered a delicacy. Most of the time it is sold without being cleaned just so that the liver can be "picked" by Cooks and prepared as such.
At such rare dishes, and the price is the same. A serving of grilled barbun garnished with all kinds of spices brought from the shores of the Mediterranean costs about 25 euros.
From stores you can buy barbun heavier, because it costs around 35 lei / kg and has no demand. Most prefer to consume it in the restaurant, the costs and effort being much lower than prepared at home.
Breeding Barbunul
Although benthic fish live solitary, gathering in cards only during spawning, barbun live all their lives in small cards, exploring food-rich bottoms.
Breeding takes place in the months from June to July.
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Barbunul | Facts & InformationBarbunul | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Barbunul