Brumarita forest | Facts & Information

# Brumarita forest | Facts & Information

Brumarita forest | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Brumarita forest

The forest Brumarita (Prunella modularis) is a partially migratory bird that has as its preferred biotope the dense coniferous forests in the mountains of Europe.

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Brumarita Forest

Brumarita forest










It can also be found in mixed and deciduous forests (but in smaller numbers), in Lowlands, in branches and regions with shrubs, in parks and gardens. In the winter months some specimens that live at high altitudes migrate to favorable climates, in North Africa or in southern Spain.

In our country it nests in the high and wooded regions of the Carpathian Mountains. In mild winters, when temperatures are acceptable, some pairs stay here.

The forest Brumarita belongs to the order Passeriformes, family Prunellidae and is currently not a species in danger of extinction.

Forest Brumarita food

Its food consists mainly of caterpillars, insect larvae, spiders, beetles, but also seeds.

Especially prefer the seeds of Alder, poppy, knotweed and other herbs.

Characteristics of forest Brumarita

It is a small and lively bird, 14-15 cm long and weighing 20 g. it has black-brown or reddish-brown plumage on the dorsal side and lighter on the ventral side, on the head and chest is Slate-Gray, and the wings are brown with black stripes.

Male and female have similar plumage coloration. The beak is small, straight and thin, dark in color. The legs are Orange, have four fingers each, three fingers are pointed forward, and one back, at the back.

All fingers are provided with sharp and curved claws, adapted to grab almost any surface, even the thinnest branches. The eyes are small, have a brownish Iris and are positioned on the sides of the head.

This slender and sprightly Bird has the habit of flying straight, over short distances and at low heights. He always hides in the bushes like a mouse, always keeping his body horizontal, to easily slip through the branches. She is always busy, from morning to evening, arranging her plumage, singing or walking through the bushes.

She can often be heard singing, although her trills are not very appealing. When she is silent she stays in the thickest bushes, instead when she makes sounds she flies or sits free on the branch of a tree. The male sings not only to impress his mate during the mating season, but simply without a specific purpose, as if life were only joy and happiness.

Breeding Forest Brumarita

In this species during hatching the male has two or three females, are polygamous, but females can mate with two males.

The female builds her nest in a bush or on a shrub at a low height from the ground. It is made of dry grass and lined with feathers and down.

The female lays in the Nest a number of 3-6 light blue-green eggs, which are hatched for 14 days only by her.

After hatching the eggs appear chicks that are fed by the parents for 2 weeks, then they manage to fly and look for food on their own.

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Brumarita forest | Facts & InformationBrumarita Forest | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Brumarita Forest