Dropia | Facts & Information

# Dropia | Facts & Information

Dropia | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Dropia

In other words, if a female dropie weighed between 3.5-5 kilograms, males typically reached 8-16 kilograms, there is evidence that some males even exceeded 18 kilograms. The famous Hunter and ornithologist Roman C. Rosetti Balanescu shot in Baragan a male weighing no less than 22 kilograms. Obviously such a bird could not escape unnoticed by the rural poverty in interwar Romania.

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Dropia, scientifically known as procerus, is a fascinating animal that lives in the mountainous regions of Romania. This unique species was first discovered in the 1980s and it was a great surprise for the scientific community. The dropia stands out with its special characteristics and impressive adaptations to its surroundings.

The physical description of the dropia is distinct. It is a medium-sized bird, measuring approximately 30 centimeters in length and weighing around 200 grams. The dropia's feathers are soft and fluffy, giving it an adorable appearance. It nests in tree hollows and spends most of its time in a semi-upright position, with its head bent down and eyes looking towards the ground.

One of the most remarkable features of the dropia is its strange and curved S-shaped beak. It is adapted to feed on snails, which constitute the main food source for this species. By tilting its beak, the dropia can quickly strike the snail shells, detaching them from the ground and exposing the flesh for easier consumption. This extraordinary adaptation of the beak demonstrates the dropia's ability to adapt and evolve in a specific environment.

The dropia is a solitary and territorial bird, and each individual occupies a certain hunting area. Although it is a discreet animal and difficult to observe in its natural habitat, the dropia sometimes emits distinct sounds to mark its territory or communicate with other individuals of the species. The characteristic sound of the dropia is a high-pitched and melodious whistle, which can be heard throughout its territory.

As for reproduction, the dropia is known for its monogamous behavior. The nest is created by both parents in tall and protected trees, ensuring the safety and success of reproduction. The female usually lays two eggs, which are incubated for approximately 20 days, while the male is responsible for bringing food to the nest to feed the growing chicks.

The dropia is an adaptable and resilient species to environmental changes. However, the dropia's habitat is currently facing multiple threats, such as deforestation, habitat fragmentation, and climate change. It is important to take measures to protect its habitats and promote education and public awareness about the importance of the dropia in the mountainous ecosystem.

In conclusion, the dropia is a fascinating bird with a unique appearance and impressive adaptations. This species finds its habitat in the mountainous areas of Romania and stands out with its strange and tilted beak, adapted to feed on snails. Although it is a discreet species, the dropia offers distinct sounds to mark its territory or communicate with other individuals of the species. It nests in tall and protected trees, and its reproduction is monogamous. Currently, the dropia's habitat is threatened by deforestation and habitat fragmentation, and the conservation of this species is becoming increasingly important for maintaining the ecological balance in the Romanian mountains.









The Dropia (Otis tarda) is truly a bird of Legend of the times when the Baragan plain, the Western Plain and the Dobrogea steppes were still islands of wild wilderness unstricted by man's hand. It is actually the largest flying bird in the world, heavier even than Swans and Pelicans. In the case of dropies, the greatest sexual dimorphism in the bird world is observed.

Unfortunately, the dropia is a bird that does not have the uropygian gland, in other words, it does not benefit from the fat-secreting gland with which most birds imbue their plumage to make it immune to moisture and rain. Pine the most dangerous enemy of the dropies is the pole. In winter, when it rains and frosts follow, the water on the plumage of the dropies freezes, and the birds can no longer fly. Tens of thousands of people fell victim between the 1920s and 1950s to real gangs of poachers who roamed the plains killing them barbarously with bat blows.

The last core of dropii in Romania, containing between 100-150 specimens was killed in Teleorman in 1981. The local villagers carried them like geese to the villages in the area where they were all killed with boulders, whips and beatings. Obviously in the Socialist Republic of Romania since then, the drops were declared on Paper Monuments of nature, their killing being forbidden by law, a law that was not taken seriously by anyone, considering that Nicolae Ceausescu himself, the first hunter of the country, had the habit of shooting the drops from the helicopter.

Besides the aspect of the Wild Hunt, the factor of aggressive agriculture practiced under the communist regime should be remembered. The "moderna" agriculture, where monocultures predominate along with chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides used in abundance, has only systematically destroyed both the living conditions of dropia and literally poisoned its food sources. In these conditions, it should not surprise anyone that out of the tens of thousands of drops that populated Baragan 50-70 years ago, there is not a single brooding pair left at the level of the 90s.

Currently, the last field observations certifying the presence of dropia in the Western Plain in the years 2005-2007, refer only to a few isolated specimens belonging to the Hungarian dropii populations, which crossed the border in search of food. Unfortunately, no pair of dropies nest in Romania anymore. The largest flying bird has died out.

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Dropia | Facts & InformationDropia | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Dropia