Dwarf pinscher | Facts & Information

# Dwarf Pinscher | Facts & Information

Dwarf Pinscher | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Dwarf Pinscher

Training: firm, consistent, requires patience

Origin: Germany

Group: Toy

Weight: males: 4-5 kg, females: 3.5 - 4 kg

Height: 25-30 cm

Care: easy to care for

Chickens: 2-6 chickens

Average age: 13 years

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Dwarf Pinscher

Dwarf Pinscher









Colors: red, chocolate, black-brown, black-Rust

Health: beware of dislocation of the kneecap

Other names: Zwergpinscher, Min Pin, Miniature Pinscher dog


The dwarf pinscher, also known as Min Pin or Zwergpinscher, is a small breed of dog native to Germany. The breed resulted from the crossing between the italian Greyhound and the dachshund. The breed was framed by the kennel club with Affenpinscher, Austrian Pinscher, Doberman or other close (small) dogs. The dwarf pinscher is recognized as the" king of the toys".

Although the dwarf Pinscher and Doberman are similar, the dwarf pinscher is not a mini doberman, it appeared before the Doberman by about 200 years. The doberman pinscher breed was created by Karl Louis Doberman in 1880 and the doberman dog was distinguished by the fact that he wanted to be in the pinscher 15 times larger. The mistake was also made in America because it was the Doberman who arrived on the continent before the dwarf pinscher. In 1929, the year it was officially registered in the AKC, it is also the year in which the MPCA (Miniature Pinscher Club of America) is founded.

Here it happened that unfortunately for those at that time, because they did not look at the characteristics of the animal, the breed was passed into the terrier group for a year. Because of AKC's mischaracterization that the dwarf pinscher "must be a miniature doberman," many people are misinformed that the breed is a dwarf doberman pinscher. This is not true. The official name in America was simply " pinscher "until 1972 when it was changed to the correct name"dwarf pinscher".

Historical artifacts and paintings show that the dwarf pinscher is a very ancient breed, but documentation begins 200 years ago, which makes the true origins of the breed still unknown. In 1836 Dr. Reichenbach demonstrated smooth crossing by crossing the dachshund with the Italian Greyhound.

There have been and still are other theories of the origin of the race, but Dr. Reichenbach's is the only credible source. The word pinscher does not translate into German terrier as many thought, but rather with biter. The word is taken from English and is based on the action of the animal to bite its prey. As in the case of Terriers, the pinscher was created for the purpose of chasing, catching and killing small animals.

Feeding Dwarf Pinscher

The dwarf pinscher, as its name implies, is not a large dog that consumes a lot, but care must be taken how much food it is given. Every animal has its own organism and its own needs, and when I say animal I don't mean other breeds but every individual of this breed.

Some live on the block and others in the yard, some run more, others less, it is normal that the amount of food will differ. When it comes to foods most dry foods have in their composition, soy, corn or rice mostly.

Some more expensive ones also have meat or fish. On the teeth of Dogs is deposited tartar like those of humans and that is why it is good for them to eat dry food and gnaw bones. I don't need to tell you that sweets, especially chocolate, are bad for them.

Water should be fresh and at your discretion.

Read more about ... dog food

Appearance Dwarf Pinscher

The dwarf pinscher is a working dog, he was bred to hunt small mammals, especially rats near human farms. He tends to have relatively long legs and small body, which is why he sometimes seems quite comical.

The body is flexible and agile, able to curl up in many positions to make it comfortable. The standard breed requires each specimen to have a height at geaban of 10-12.5 cm. This standard comes after many years of breeding in Germany.

Today an average has been established that is lower than the standard. The hair is short and smooth. It can be found in red, tan, chocolate, black, and other close shades. They frequently have their tails shortened and their ears cut off.

Sometimes a small white spot appears in the chest area. Breeders have tried to remove this stain over time, but without success. This is accepted by the AKC as long as the UP does not exceed 3-5 cm in any direction.

Dwarf Pinscher Behavior

The dwarf pinscher is a loyal and active dog. Although it has an independent character, it is also considered a family dog. He feels the need to be involved in family activities and deserves attention for this. Unlike other breeds it is appreciated that it does not require much attention and because of its independent character are recommended to those who neglect their animals especially.

It is recommended to provide them with a yard where they can exercise. If it is kept in the apartment it is good to know that it needs more than a 20-minute walk. It can get bored and become destructive. So how about 2 or maybe 3 20-minute rides ? Here it remains only to negotiate with your pet ..

Since fur doesn't offer much protection when it comes to heat, the pinscher prefers to shiver from the cold than die from the heat. Due to the instinct to hunt rodents and other various animals must be kept under observation not to swallow various objects such as beer caps, etc.because they may present a danger of suffocation. Genetically they have a curiosity for everything from the smallest thing to toys that move and/or make noise.

As it catches them it will eat them and will inevitably try to swallow them so rubber or plastic toys are not recommended. The pinscher as small as it seems has a very large character. It is a territorial dog and will clearly know where it will sleep and where its bowl of food is. They usually prefer to sleep on new and soft objects so they nest in the most comfortable places. I said above that he knows how to make himself, namely, comfortable. They are usually not raised or left with young children. It is good to be kept under observation considering the independent behavior, if not properly trained can occur surprises.

Dressage Dwarf Pinscher

Training the dwarf pinscher is not one of the most difficult things, but it can prove really difficult if you don't follow a few basic rules. This type of dog enjoys training, is very intelligent and definitely wants to show this to his owner.

Training should start as early as possible. All puppies when they are young are cute, funny and playful. At first he will seem stubborn. Many owners easily gave up training their dog. Be patient because it's worth it in adulthood. The secret to training a dwarf pinscher is to be firm and consistent. Always praise him when he does the right thing or give him a reward. Impose a command, a command is and will remain a command, it is not a request or a question.

When you tell him to do something, be firm. When you teach and / or ask him to execute a command, tell him Your Name so he knows you're talking to him. You can tell the neighbor when he goes to the market, and the dog stops in the middle of the road just as a car passes by, this mistake is made only once. It is good to teach him not to bite, despite his small stature he has a strong jaw.

Read more about ... Pet Dog Training

Features Dwarf Pinscher

Because it is a small puppy it is very important to take care of those around him.

The dog likes to run and play with children. If a child falls over, they can easily break a leg.

Dwarf Pinscher Diseases

Patellar dislocation is a dislocation of the patella, it can move to the inside or outside. This may result from trauma or birth. Both legs can be affected. Severe cases can cause great pain that leaves with limping.

Treatment can range from rest to surgical reconstruction of the knee. Another disease, which is found in almost all breeds, is hip dysplasia.

This is also confused with Legg Perthes disease which affects the head of the femur. In these cases, surgery is the only solution, in which part of the bone is removed to prolong the life of the animal.

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Dwarf pinscher | Facts & InformationDwarf Pinscher | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Dwarf Pinscher