Egyptian white eagle | Facts & Information

# Egyptian White Eagle | Facts & Information

Egyptian White Eagle | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Egyptian White Eagle

This eagle can be found under one of the names: Egyptian Eagle, White Eagle, Egyptian White Eagle, hoitar Eagle, dirty eagle or Pharaoh's chicken. In English: Egyptian Vulture.

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Egyptian White Eagle

Egyptian White Eagle










Neophron percnopterus is a small eagle belonging to the Old World, which has a wide spread area, being found both in southwestern Europe, as well as in Northern Africa and southern Asia. It is the only living representative of the genus Neophron.

In 2008 the species was added to the list of endangered animals at a United Nations (UN) conference in Rome because of the 500,000 specimens left only 1,000 worldwide.

Feeding Egyptian White Eagle

Egyptian vultures feed on carrion and only rarely on ostrich eggs or small mammals.

In addition to ostrich eggs, the carrion menu consists of decomposing plants or human and other animal feces.

Features Egyptian White Eagle

Adult specimens usually measure 85 cm from the tip of the beak to the end of the tail, and the wing opening has a diameter of 1.7 m. it can weigh up to 2.1 kg. The plumage is white, with some black feathers on the wings and tail.

Considering its habitat-it walks among Carrion, in dusty areas-its feathers are blunted quickly, and before shedding, their color is beige rather than white.

Occasionally the Egyptian White Eagle "paints" its feathers with mud containing iron oxide, as do bearded Eagles, so that it acquires a pronounced shade of yellow – because of this it is also called the dirty eagle (from germ. "Schmutzgeier").

The skin of the face is nude and yellow, except during the nesting period, when it turns orange. The tail is rhombic in shape, although it is easily noticeable during the flight.

Egyptian White Eagle breeding

Egyptian vultures are monogamous birds. Both females and males participate in the construction of the nest, placed in inaccessible places, in rocky areas. For the structure they use branches of trees, which they dress with food scraps and garbage.

Materials are carried in the beak to the nest, unlike other raptors, which use their claws for this activity. In late March and early April, the female lays two, with an interval of several days between them.

They are white with brown spots and have about 94 grams and 65 mm.

After they emerge from the eggs, the chicks show a dark brown color, gradually opening during growth, until the age of 5, when they reach maturity the birds become white.

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Egyptian white eagle | Facts & InformationEgyptian White Eagle | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Egyptian White Eagle