Estrela | Facts & Information

# Estrela | Facts & Information

Estrela | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Estrela

Other names: Estrela Mountain Dog, Serra da Estrela Mountain Dog, Cao da Serra da Estrela

Origin: Portugal

Group: Shepherd and herd

Weight: males: 40-50 kg females: 30-40 kg

Height: males: 65-75 cm females: 62-70 cm

Colors: yellow, brown, gray, Brindle

Dressage: medium

Care: requires periodic brushing

Health: generally healthy

Chickens: 6-8 chickens

Average age: 10 – 12 years

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Temperament: protective, suspicious, stubborn, vigilant


Estrella is known as one of the oldest dogs found in the Iberian Peninsula, its history having been lost over time. He is a constant friend of pastors and an extremely vigilant dog when it comes to guarding sheep.

The breed developed especially in the Serra da Estrela mountains in Portugal, where these dogs can still be seen at work today. Estrella arrived in the UK in 1974, where it dissipated throughout the rest of the European continent. At that time, an online connection was established, through which the dog enthusiasts from all over the world can talk to each other.

The breed is part of the group of pastoral dogs, being bred to guard supplies. Nowadays, although they are still used in different jobs, they are more and more often seen as pet dogs or that of exhibitors and competitors at various canine shows and competitions.

Estrela Food

They are not very lustful, so their maintenance from this point of view will not be one that poses great material problems.

In comparison, an Estrella is able to eat almost the same amounts of food as a German Dog.

It is preferable to avoid foods with a high protein content, and it should be remembered that this dog is not a picky one, quickly getting used to the food that is given to him, whether it is a special one or from the master's table.

Read more about ... dog food

Appearance Estrela

A dog of this breed will have a long and strong head, its jaws will also be particularly strong, and its teeth are perfectly aligned.

The eyes are medium-sized, oval, the color being dark, between Brown and black. The ears should be raised, strong, small in size, triangular in shape, the neck short and thin.

The front legs will be straight, muscular, with strong bones, and the hind legs, bent, will also have particularly strong bones.

The coat can be short or long, flat or slightly raised, but never creased, and the hair is short, especially in the head area and on the limbs, but abundant around the neck.

Estrela Behavior

Estrella is a large, particularly strong dog. They are very vigilant, independent and stubborn, although at the same time extremely affectionate, very attached to their families, and to those they have nearby.

They are very distrustful of strangers, and it will be very difficult for them to accept a new master, if the old one happens to give up on them.

They get along very well with children and other animals, especially if they are accommodated with them from a young age. And in terms of personal protection and its use as a guard dog, probably not many breeds can do these things better than an Estrella does.

Dressage Estrela

It is a very intelligent dog, but also a very independent dog. The best way to train an Estrella is to become his partner, something he loves with all his heart, not being a dog to rejoice when he is intimidated.

Like all large dogs, they may end up going deaf voluntarily, but they are unlikely to do it all, so they will hear commands if given in a higher voice.

In terms of exercise, an Estrella needs about 20-40 minutes a day, but the dog will not refuse to stay even longer than that outside. It is a dog that loves open spaces, does not need a lot of exercise, but is ready to give everything if given the opportunity.

Estrella are very agile dogs so if you have a yard, you will have to put a fence high enough that you can not jump over. When they are small, they must be protected from a very large amount of effort, because they may develop some bone problems, but also suffer fractures.

Read more about ... Pet Dog Training

Features Estrela

The costs imposed by purchasing a dog of this breed are relatively high, especially if it is a quality puppy, coming from a famous kennel or from champion parents.

In terms of life expectancy, Estrella can live between 9-15 years, the average age being between 10-12 years.

At birth, a female can give birth to up to 12 Cubs, most of which are only two to three.

Estrela Diseases

It is a generally healthy dog, with which the owners do not have very big problems from this point of view.

However, like any larger breed of dog, it is prone to cancer and can also be affected by dysplasia.

That is why it is good to look for and buy a puppy whose parents have been well tested in all respects.

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Estrela | Facts & InformationEstrela | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Estrela