Evening vanturel | Facts & Information

# Evening Vanturel | Facts & Information

Evening Vanturel | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Evening Vanturel

The evening vanturel belongs to the Class Aves, the order Falconiformes and the family Accipitridae.

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Evening Vanturel

Evening Vanturel










It can also be found in our country under one of the names: evening Vanturel, evening Soimulet, evening Vinderele, red-legged Vinderel, evening Herete, herete, vindereu, vanturel.

The species is widespread in the eastern half of the European continent and from here to Middle Siberia to the Lena River and then Lake Baical. In the south it reaches the northern coast of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea stretching to the foothills of the Altai Mountains.

In our country nesting was confirmed for Banat, Transylvania and the eastern half of Romania. Herds are stationary as they are otherwise interpreted as being on the mainland by the IUCN.

The main limiting factor for the presence of the species are desiccations, the restriction of wetlands in favor of agricultural land, the destruction of pastures by the location of silos, the rumour produced by human activities with heavy machinery or of any other nature.

Species on site we qualify it with the stationary attribute as long as the crow colonies are not destroyed.

Evening Vanturel food

The evening vanturel is a diurnal species. In search of prey it performs low-altitude flights according to the type of the genus it represents.

It is a carnivorous bird.

The basic food is provided by micromammals. They rarely prey on lizards as well as birds, larger insects.

Features evening Vanturel

The species resembles the red vinderel (Falco tinnunculus) but has a shorter tail; the plumage of the male is dominated by blue-gray color, abdomen and subcodal feathers reddish brown, periorbital ring, culmen, mandibles and red legs.

The female resembles the female of the red vanturel, it can be easily confused with it; the distinctive character is the drawing of the chest lacking or almost devoid of macules. Juveniles are usually lighter in color.

It can be found on natural Meadows, uncultivated lowlands with steppic character but also, even if less often, grassy meadows, marshy lands near ponds, streams.

As a secondary habitat with the purpose of trophic source can be considered agricultural crops.

During the migration forms associations of several specimens that can be observed usually in the twilight in flight but also stopping on telegraph wires, taller poplars; other times there appear important agglomerations in stands with the appearance of arms on the edge of harvested or in the process of harvesting. In Rospa0047 Hunedoara Timisana the species is associated with Crow colonies at Vinga and Sag.

The annual cycle of the life of a Nightingale also includes, besides the usual peculiarities in the existence of birds, two moments for migration, namely the spring and the autumn.

In the approach pursued by us, spring migration is the important one and especially the moment of the species ' access to the territory.

Arrival, happens at the end of April, the beginning of May; Already, we say, too late to occupy the artificial nests (if we assume that this is the case) because they are temporarily taken over by the sedentary competitors, non-migratory of the place, on the one hand by the close relative of the evening vanturel, the opportunist Falco tinnunculus (red vanturel), on the other by the rocks (Corvus /Coeleus/ monedula) and) of the strigiformes (Owls).

Average number of observed specimens: 40, total number of nesting pairs: 14-20. It makes strident chichichi and tri-tri-tri sounds, sharper than those of the red vanturel.

Breeding evening Vanturel

The birds arrive in the territory in mid-to late April although we have identified earlier arrivals in the site. Eggs are laid in May between the second and last four.

The evening crows use as settlement hearths the old cubes of the crow (Corvus frugilegus), rarely the gray Crow (C. cornix) or the Magpie (Pica pica).

Falco vespertinus is a colonial species in which the density of nesting pairs is given by the density of unoccupied or deserted crow nests.

Isolated nests of Falco vespertinus have also been found. Because the crow colonies of Rospa0047 Hunedoara Timisana site are still well populated in reality we have a small number of brooding pairs of Falco vespertinus.

Eggs laid by females are in number of 4 (3-5), oak wood color, brown – reddish, with macules darker and lighter shade on the entire surface. Shape: short – oval. Incubation lasts 22-23 (27) days.

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Evening vanturel | Facts & InformationEvening Vanturel | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Evening Vanturel