Forest antelope | Facts & Information

# Forest antelope | Facts & Information

Forest antelope | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Forest antelope

Forest antelope (Tragelaphus scriptus) of the genus Tragelaphus, family Bovidae and order Artiodactyla. As its name implies, it can be found in forests of all kinds near lakes or rivers in Africa. It prefers both mountain and plain regions.

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Forest Antelope

Forest antelope

The red deer is a fascinating and graceful species that lives in forested regions of Europe, Asia, and Africa. It is also known as Cervus elaphus or stag. This impressive animal belongs to the Cervidae family and is recognized worldwide for its large and elegant antlers.

The red deer has impressive dimensions, being one of the largest deer species. Males can reach heights of up to 1.5 meters and weighing approximately 300 kilograms, while females are slightly smaller, with a height of about 1.3 meters and a weight of about 200 kilograms. These deer impress with their graceful movements and their dark brown fur, with a white patch on their hindquarters.

The preferred habitat of red deer are coniferous and mixed forests, where they find shelter and plentiful food. These animals easily adapt to their surroundings and are capable of surviving in different types of forests and on various types of terrain. They have an impressive ability to hide in vegetation and move silently, which gives them a considerable advantage in terms of protection against predators.

The diet of these deer mainly consists of grass, green leaves, and buds. During winter, when food becomes scarcer, they eat moss, lichens, and bark. These deer have a huge appetite and during summer, they can consume impressive amounts of food to build up the reserves needed for the cold season.

The red deer is a migratory animal and lives in small or large groups, depending on the availability of food and other environmental factors. The deer groups are led by a leader, usually a male, called the dominant stag. He maintains his position as a leader through violent fights with other males to prove his dominance and thus have access to the best food sources and females.

The breeding season for red deer takes place during summer. The dominant stag has the privilege of mating with most of the females in the group, ensuring that his offspring will carry on his strong genes. Pregnant females isolate themselves from the group before giving birth, thus ensuring the protection and safety of the calves. Red deer are philopatric, meaning that the female and her offspring remain in the vicinity of the area where they were born, creating large and stable groups of deer.

An interesting aspect of red deer is the growth and replacement of antlers. Males shed their antlers during spring and then replace them with larger and stronger ones. This process is controlled by testosterone levels in the body and occurs every year. Antlers are important tools in fights between males and are also a way for them to express dominance over rivals and females. Antlers are also used to remove tall leaves and branches to reach lower vegetation.

The red deer is an impressive, adapted, and proud species. With a combination of beauty and strength, it represents a symbol of untouched nature and the wild beauty of forests. Appreciation and protection of its natural habitat are essential for the survival of this amazing species and for maintaining ecological balance.










The mountain climbs up to altitudes of 3000 - 4000 meters. It is the most common species in Africa.

It lives in nearly 40 countries including Senegal, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Congo, Ghana, Nigeria, Somalia, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Botswana and Angola.

Studies have shown that the mountain forest antelope is different from the plain forest antelope. They may soon be split into two distinct species.

Due to the well-groomed body and covered with a colorful fur, it is also called the colorful forest antelope. It can be found in foreign or specialized literature and under the names: the bushbuck or antelope harnache.

It is not currently threatened with extinction, but due to habitat loss the population numbers are decreasing. The population of forest antelopes is estimated at 1,300,000. It is hunted for meat and sports.

Feeding the forest antelope

It feeds on leaves, plants, buds, herbs and tender twigs. It is a herbivorous animal.

Appearance forest antelope

It has a body length of 1 – 1.5 meters, height at geaban 75-110 cm, and weight of 55-80 kg. The horns are about 50cm long and the tail 20-30cm. It is one of the smallest antelope species in Africa.

The female is smaller than the male. The fur has variable color, it can have different shades of colors: yellow-brown, reddish-brown, tan or even black.

It has different white spots of different sizes especially in the neck and tail area.

On the body you can see random white stripes. The ears are long and partially covered with hair.

The snout is long and the nose is black. Thin limbs end with hooves, the front ones are shorter than the rear ones.

Forest antelope behavior

It is an animal with no territorial sense that prefers to live alone. It comes out in search of food in the early hours of the morning, then prefers to hide in the thickest vegetation.

In case of danger he runs making jumps of 5-6 meters hiding in the thick bushes in the forest. The main enemies are crocodiles, lions, leopards or wild dogs.

Breeding forest antelope

The forest antelope gathers in small groups only during the breeding season. If food permits, the female may give birth twice a year. (every 6-7 months)

After the mating period follows the gestation period after which the female gives birth to a single cub that she breastfeeds and raises alone.

At birth the cub gets up and walks in a short time. Sexual maturity is reached at the age of 11 months.

The life expectancy of the forest antelope is 12 years.

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Forest antelope | Facts & InformationForest Antelope | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Forest Antelope