Gainusa de balta | Facts & Information

# Gainusa de balta | Facts & Information

Gainusa de balta | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Gainusa de balta

Gallinula chloropus is part of the order Gruiformes, family Rallidae. It is widespread throughout Europe. In our country this bird is very numerous.

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Gainusa De Balta

Gainusa de balta










It often nests in wetlands, on small ponds, ponds, lakes, canals and even ditches, generally in places with aquatic plants. It is also found in the parks of major cities.

In Romania it nests mainly in the Danube floodplain, making its nests in reeds or in trees when the floodplains are flooded. Sometimes it uses the nests left by other birds: gaits, blackbirds, etc.

Being a migratory bird, it comes to our country in mid-March and leaves at the end of September, to Western Europe and South-West Asia.

Food for waders

He always dives for food. It feeds on small fish, mollusks, crustaceans, aquatic insects and seeds of aquatic plants.

Features wader Gainusa

The wader has dark plumage, a red beak with a yellow tip and green legs with fingers without membranes. The fingers are slightly elongated that allow him to walk on the large leaves on the water.

On the back the plumage is dark brown, the wing feathers are part Brown and part black. The tail has brown feathers, and the lateral ones are white. The wader swims a lot, swinging its tail or running through the bushes on the shore. The body has a length of approx. 30 cm.

The flight of these birds is quite cumbersome. In case of danger, they announce to each other by a characteristic sound.

Breeding waders

Both the female and the male have a typical behavior during mating. Thus, the bird bends its legs, lowers the chest almost to the ground, unfolds the tail feathers, allowing to see better the white plumage from the tail.

It builds its nest in dense aquatic vegetation, usually on the waterfront. The female lays in May 5-10 eggs, which are with brown spots. They are hatched for three weeks by both partners, after which the chicks emerge, which are fed by the female.

The Cubs follow their mother on the water and are in her care for several weeks. It usually hatches twice a year.

At the moment the wader is not extinct.

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Gainusa de balta | Facts & InformationGainusa De Balta | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Gainusa De Balta