Goshawk | Facts & Information
# Goshawk | Facts & Information
Goshawk | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Goshawk
All pigeon fanciers know this destructive" live rocket " of pigeons, which is the Hawk. The Hawk is called in Muntenia " erete "and"cobet".
In Moldova, it is called "coroi" and "harau", and in Transylvania "bodiu". In Bucharest it is called "Blackthorn" and "gainar".
In the flights that pigeons perform (training or competitions) they can be attacked Lightning by the great masters of the sky. They furrow the water permanently in some hilly, mountainous and wooded areas.
Feed the Blackthorn Hawk
The pigeon often feasts on pheasants, partridges, rabbits and especially pigeons.
Its long, sharp claws, real daggers, sure catch prey and kill quickly. To all this is added the particularly sharp gaze, then the great audacity and the premeditated attack that the Blackbird Hawk is capable of.
Rarely does the attacked Bird escape, sometimes even the most swift and cunning pigeons, both in flight and caught on the ground or on the house fall prey.
Where the Hawk managed to make a prey, it returns Day by day, even at the same time, with a precision that amazes us and does not abandon the place rasp only when it has no more to kidnap. Every day he shows up in the same place, and on the same airway.
His attacks are always rampant and he tries to surprise his victim by sneaking near her. Pigeons become restless when they feel it too from afar. But he comes hidden, like an arrow, turns around trees, buildings, close to the ground, suddenly appears, strikes, catches and then leaves.
Many times he drives up the flock of pigeons, grabbing his victim on whom he throws Lightning, with vajas of wings, which we hear from afar. He is betrayed by the Crows and Swallows, who follow him with great pride.
When the Hawk sits on a tree, it never chooses the branches at the top but hides on a thick branch at the middle of the tree, close to the trunk. From here he then goes unnoticed when he sees any prey, or goes on his hunting forays after pigeons.
Features Blackthorn Hawk
The Black Hawk is a bird the size of a duck (approx. 60 cm). The width of the outstretched wings reaches almost a meter. The length from the tip of the tail to the beak is about 65 cm.
The female is noticeably larger than the male, characteristic of all Raptors. Adult specimens have a gray, slate-like color on the back, tan, black sura.
On the abdomen are white, each feather having transverse tan-black links, which come together in wavy bands along the length of the chest and abdomen.
His short and rare wings, true oars, make him skilful in the thickets of the forest, and his long and wide tail is just as good a rudder, able to facilitate his masterful turns in pursuit of the victim.
The silhouette of the Black Hawk in flight is with its broad and short wings and a thin and long tail. When it passes in stretched flight, it quickly flaps its wings floating briefly between series of wingbeats. It rarely flies at high altitude, usually stays close to the top of trees, or goes low, shaved with the ground.
Breeding Blackthorn Hawk
The Blackthorn Hawk hatches in the forests, placing its fortress more in the middle of the trees, close to their trunk.
It returns to the nest year after year, always receiving it with new, green branches, from where we can easily recognize the occupied nests.
It nests in trees in the lowlands or in the hill region, less often in the mountains.
The nest contains 3-5 white-blue eggs, being complete in April. Hatching is carried out more by the female, for 35-38 days.
The male supplies her with food.
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