Heterothele villosella | Facts & Information

# Heterothele villosella | Facts & Information

Heterothele villosella | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Heterothele villosella

Species: villosella.The distribution area includes East Africa, specifically Tanzania and some areas invecinate.Se they are found in the rainforests of Eastern Africa, in galleries dug into the ground.

Origin: Tanzania

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Arachnida

Order: Araneae

Suborder: Mygalomorphae

Family: Theraphosidae

Genus: Heterothele

Read More on Heterothele villosella
Heterothele Villosella

Heterothele villosella

Heterothele villosella, also known as the English tarantula spider, is one of the most fascinating species of spiders. It belongs to the Theraphosidae family and is widely spread throughout Europe. With a shy nature and a beautiful appearance, Heterothele villosella captures the attention of researchers and animal lovers alike.

The morphological characteristics of Heterothele villosella include a robust body covered in soft hair and a rounded abdomen. Its legs are strong and equipped with sharp claws, which help it move easily on horizontal and vertical surfaces. A distinctive feature of Heterothele villosella is its variable color, which can range from dark brown to black with lighter spots.

The English tarantula spider is endemic to southern and eastern Europe, taking advantage of the warm and humid habitats of these regions. Normally, it lives in thickets, forests, and plantations, building well-hidden nests in the substrate or tree cracks. Heterothele villosella is a solitary species, mainly staying inside its nest. However, these spiders are active and prey hunters at night when they go out in search of food.

The main food source of Heterothele villosella consists of various invertebrates, such as insects and other smaller spiders. With the help of its strong legs and sharp claws, this spider attaches itself to its prey and injects it with its paralyzing venom. The prey is then carried into the nest, where it is consumed gradually. It is worth mentioning that Heterothele villosella is an opportunistic and adaptable species, able to survive with different types of feeding depending on the availability of resources in the environment.

The reproduction of these spiders takes place through a complex courtship ceremony. Males attract the attention of females through specific movements accompanied by significant vibrations of spider's webs. If the female is interested, she will accept the male's advances and mating will occur. Afterward, the female can lay up to a few hundred eggs, which she will keep in her nest and protect until they hatch. The female Heterothele villosella takes care of her offspring, ensuring they have the proper climate and food.

An interesting aspect of Heterothele villosella is its high longevity. These spiders can live up to 15 years in the wild, making them some of the longest-living spiders in the world. Their population stability is ensured by this long lifespan and their adaptability to different environments.

Although Heterothele villosella is harmless to humans and does not pose a significant danger, it has the ability to defend its territory and release irritating hairs. These stinging hairs can cause skin irritations and can be bothersome, especially for sensitive or allergic individuals.

In conclusion, Heterothele villosella, also known as the English tarantula spider, is a fascinating and beautiful spider species. With its distinctive morphology and adaptable nature, this solitary spider lives in warm and humid regions of Europe. Its ability to hunt and feed on various invertebrates, high lifespan, and complex reproductive rituals make Heterothele villosella a species worth studying and protecting.









Tanzanian Chestnut (Heterothele villosella) is part of the

Feeding Heterothele villosella

They have a voracious appetite despite their relatively small size. In captivity they can feed on cockroaches, worms, generally any insects suitable in size for this tarantula.Features Heterothele villosella

Heterothele villosella was described by Strand in 1907. It is one of the relatively large species of the genus Heterothele, adult specimens reaching an average of 8 cm in length. It is a terrestrial species, which makes a lot of canvas and at the same time digs galleries into which it retreats every time it feels threatened. They have a semi-aggressive behavior, are very fast and the venom potency is relatively low. The predominant body color is black and brown patterns appear on the cephalothorax and abdomen. This species is not recommended to be kept in pairs or groups.


A terrarium of 20 cm long, 10 cm wide and 20 cm high would be enough to accommodate an adult specimen. It is a fossorial species so it is recommended that the substrate be around 10 cm deep, as they dig burrows in which they hide. The optimal temperature in the terrarium during the day should vary between 27-30grc at night and can decrease up to 24 grC. The relative humidity level is recommended to always exceed 70%. You can also equip the terrarium with a pot of water that will help maintain the relative humidity of the air.


All species of tarantulas possess venom. Although it is not very potent, bites are never placute.De as well as any species of tarantula and Heterothele villosella can be unpredictable and a bite can occur at any time. For these reasons we recommend maximum attention when the tarantula is fed, moved or when its terrarium is cleaned.

It is not recommended to handle tarantula, especially by those without experience.

Reproduction Heterothele villosella

Heterothele villosella has a rapid growth rate, reaching sexual maturity around the age of 1 year. Females are larger than males and the latter show bulbs on pedipalps, bulbs that appear immediately after the male becomes an adult. The female lays the egg sac a few weeks after mating, which she usually guards. The number of eggs varies depending on the size of the female, a bag containing between 50-100 eggs. The color of the offspring is identical to that of the adults.

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