High rate | Facts & Information
# High Rate | Facts & Information
High Rate | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About High Rate
The presence of the high rate in Romania is related to the biotope of Reed ponds, but also of lakes with water and vegetation to ensure a favorable environment for shelter and food.
High Rate
Appreciate the presence of hollow Willows for nesting.
Winter is frequently found on inland rivers that do not freeze, climbing them up to the mountain area.
In harsh winters, however, they migrate south. It behaves, therefore, both as a sedentary species and as an erratic or migratory species, coming from the northern regions to winter, in large flocks, in our country or further south, depending on the harshness of the winter.
Other names: Big Duck, big wild duck, Big Duck, Big Duck, Big Duck.
High Rate Feed
The food spectrum is quite varied and mainly composed of vegetation and small animals: aquatic plants, various seeds, cereals, insects, larvae, snails, fish, etc.
Features High Rate
It is considered the highest rate in Romania and one of the highest rates in the world (0.8 – 1.4 kg). Only the Eider, which has been reported several times in the fauna of our country, surpasses it.
Sexual dimorphism is evident from autumn to spring, including the period of fall in pairs and mating. During this period the duck, which is slightly larger than the duck, is more brightly colored.
It has a green-metallic head and neck, white collar, brown chest and black tail, with white subcaudals and two of the black feathers, the middle ones, characteristically twisted upwards. The background color is gray, and the mirror is blue, bordered by two narrow white stripes. The duck has a color closer to that of its living environment, yellowish-brown, with brown, black and white spots and Stripes.
The female's Mirror is identical to the male's. The plumage change occurs after hatching, in junejuly, when the color of the duck becomes very similar to that of the duck.
Differentiation is easy in this period after the beak, which in ratoi is yellow-green, while in duck is gray-yellow. The legs are orange-red.
The Voice of the Great Wild Duck is similar to that of the duck and the domestic duck: a loud clap at the duck, which is heard from great distances, and a more discreet, nuanced and hoarse tone at the duck.
The senses are sharp. It is distinguished by an exceptional binocular vaz and a field of vision of almost 360 degrees (like the sitar). He hears very well. Only the acuity of the sense of smell is questionable.
Daytime Raptors, raccoon, fox, otter, Mink, ferret, ermine and some other natural pests that drench nests, catch offspring and attack mature specimens.
Even large Pike and catfish can catch ducklings. The practice of picking duck eggs, like the practice of picking fresh goose eggs, affects it to a large extent, but only in certain areas of the country.
It is a surface rate, with diurnal activity, which usually overnight on water. Unlike the goose, it has a more intense auroral and Twilight activity, in the sense that it leaves the pond much earlier in the morning and returns much later in the evening, even in the dark. On full moon nights it also feeds in the fields at night.
Breeding High Rate
The high rate is monogamous, the pairs can be observed since the sunny days of winter, even within the flocks that winter in our country.
Between March and April the pairs separate and begin their nuptial flights in search of the nesting place, not far from the water. On the occasion of the evening guard at the sitari can be observed, frequently, pairs of high rates in search of such places and in the forest.
Copulation takes place on the water, and the nest is arranged on the ground, on the plains, in hollows, in piles of legs, in nests abandoned by other birds, etc.
She lays, starting in April, ponte of 8-14 eggs, which she hatches 24-26 days. Eggs are laid daily, hatching starting after the last egg is laid.
Hatches only the female, which leaves the nest only briefly for feeding, leaving the eggs covered with herbs and feathers.
The duck stays near the nest or goes in search of other ducks to fertilize them. The very idea that ducks, especially when their numbers are far greater than that of ducks, spoil the nestlings of ducks to force them to mate again is credited.
The theory justifies, in other countries, the continuation of the hunting season at Ducks, after the closing of the hunting season at rates. The effective method in this case is to attract ducks with specially raised rates as live atrape, kept uninfected, who call them insistently from the places where they are "anchored" on the water. Freshmen ducklings are nidifugi.
After hatching, they immediately start swimming or are lowered to the ground, by rolling or jumping, if the duck has nestled at height, then they are led on foot, sometimes hundreds of meters, to the water.
If the first egg has been destroyed, the duck lays a second, replacement egg, usually smaller (6-12 eggs).
Chicks become capable of flight at 8 weeks and sexually mature at one year.
Longevity is valued at 10 years.
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