Little woodpecker | Facts & Information

# Little woodpecker | Facts & Information

Little woodpecker | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Little woodpecker

The small mottled woodpecker (Dendrocopos minor) belongs to the genus Dryobates, the order Piciformes. It is the smallest species of woodpecker in our country and in Europe. It can be found in areas with beech forests, in orchards and in plain areas. It is also found in Central Asia. Missing in France, Denmark.

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Little Woodpecker

Little woodpecker










It usually rarely migrates further from nesting sites, being a sedentary species. The nesting population in Europe is between 500,000 and 1,100,000 pairs. Although in some countries the population varies or is slightly declining we can say that this species of woodpecker is stable.

Possible threats come from people cutting down old and dry trees, bird's favorite trees for nesting.

It is a protected species that benefits forests because it consumes insects harmful to trees. It can be found in other languages under the names: Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Picchio rosso minor, Pico Menor, Kleinspecht, koakagera, etc.

Read Also the flight of birds

Feeding the little Woodpecker

The small spotted woodpecker has a soft, small beak and drills harder on the bark of trees.

In addition to insects and insect larvae that woodpeckers eat in the bark of trees (such as ants), it also feeds on other insects on the bark and branches of trees(gargoyles, etc.).

May eat nuts or other fruits especially in winter.

When needed mao goes down to feed on the ground, but most of his time he spends in the crown of trees.

Features small Woodpecker

The small spotted woodpecker is somewhat larger than a Sparrow. It has a body length of 14-16cm and weight of almost 20 grams. The wingspan is 25-29cm.

Unlike other species of woodpeckers red feathers can only be seen in the male, only the Little Red Riding Hood on the head, and that is not very large and clear. It can be easily identified by the stripes on the back and wings.

The legs are dark in color. The claws are strong, the bird harks with them to the trunks of trees standing parallel to the tree helping itself to the tail.

Despite her size she makes loud "keek-keek" sounds.

See also bird mating

Breeding the little Woodpecker

The small spotted woodpecker prefers dry trees for nesting. It is very territorial especially during the mating season that begins in March. They mark their territory and beat the darabana for attracting the pair of the opposite sex. The nest is made by both partners, in an old and dry tree preferably as high as possible.

If they find artificial nests located at height they can use them.

After mating the female lays 3-7 shiny white eggs. The eggs will be hatched by both partners for two weeks. After hatching, the parents take care of the chicks and feed them until they leave the nest, and this happens after almost three weeks. The small woodpecker has only one row of chicks per year.

In the wild the longevity of small woodpeckers is between 5 and 10 years.

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Little woodpecker | Facts & InformationLittle Woodpecker | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Little Woodpecker