Mullet | Facts & Information
# Mullet | Facts & Information
Mullet | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Mullet
Mullet-a generic name for a species with several subspecies - is a marine fish spread across the globe, around the shores of the temperate - continental and temperate - oceanic zones. Here they form real colonies in perpetual search for food.
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The Common Bleak (Leuciscus cephalus) is a fish species that belongs to the Cyprinidae family. It is widespread in Europe, South Asia, and North Africa, being one of the most common and well-known freshwater fish species.The Bleak has an average size, reaching a length of about 30-70 cm and a weight of 1-5 kg. Its body is elongated and laterally compressed, covered with small scales. The fish is particularly recognized by its distinct head shape, which is large and arched on the upper part. The head is equipped with a snout made of cartilage and a downward-oriented mouth, with thick and fleshy lips.
The color of the Bleak varies from silvery to whitish-yellow on the ventral and lateral sides, while the back has a gray or greenish-olive shade. The dorsal and anal fins are brownish-yellow, and the caudal fin is somewhat forked and also brown.
This fish lives in rivers with flowing and clear waters, as well as in lakes and ponds. It is adapted to a wide range of aquatic environments and can be found from sea level to mountain altitudes. The Bleak is a gregarious fish, showing a tendency to gather in large groups.
The main food of the Bleak consists of various organisms, such as algae, aquatic plants, invertebrates, and plant food found in the water. It also feeds on terrestrial invertebrates such as insects and worms. The Bleak does not need a large amount of food to survive, as its metabolism is relatively slow.
The reproduction period of the Bleak takes place during spring and summer, when the water temperature reaches a certain threshold. Migratory fish move downstream to deposit their eggs on sandy, rocky, or vegetation-rich areas. After spawning, the parents leave the area, and their life cycle continues without their involvement.
The Bleak is a fish appreciated for its culinary qualities and is hunted for sport and commercial fishing. Its white and tasty meat makes it suitable for traditional and modern culinary preparations. Additionally, the Bleak contains proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, and essential minerals for human health.
However, the species also faces certain threats. Factors that affect its habitat and population include water pollution, deforestation that promotes soil erosion, and the destruction of spawning grounds. Overexploitation, through excessive or uncontrolled fishing, can lead to a decrease in the number of individuals.
In conclusion, the Bleak is a fish present in freshwater bodies in Europe, South Asia, and North Africa, valued both for its culinary qualities and its importance in the ecosystem. To ensure the survival and conservation of this species, it is necessary to protect and properly manage its habitats, as well as regulate fishing to avoid overexploitation.
The family Mugilidae that lives in the Black Sea include: the Laban (Mugil cephalus), the singhil (Mugil auratus), the Ostreinos (Mugilsaliens) and the platarin (Mugil ramada). Some authors add to these subspecies the mullet ( Cephalus Cephalus).
A few years ago, the "red mullet" came from the northern Black Sea - Ukraine - fish with a very large waist that reaches 12-14 kilograms and has pale pink flesh. I did not find anything written about this fish but I learned from some and others that it is a hybrid between laban and Amur carp.
Probably the body shape of the Amur carp made them assume kinship.
Feeding Mullet
Mullets feed on diatom algae, algae, crustaceans, shells, plankton and "sea bream".
If they stay in areas where the fishermen wash the processing debris they also eat small fish.
Features Mullet
Excluding the "red mullet" that reaches the above weights and lengths over 1 meter, the largest mullet is the Laban that can exceptionally reach the length of 60-70 centimeters and the weight of 3-4 kilograms. The singhil, the second largest mullet - and the most present in fishing rods - can reach a length of 40 to 50 centrimeters and a weight of 0.7 to 1.2 kilograms.
The average weight of mullets is around 400 grams. Unfortunately, the average has been falling in recent years. The main cause is pollution, although it adapts even in heavily affected environments such as ports and sewer drains. In winter mullets shelter in coastal bays with higher temperatures than the open sea. By June I'm going out on the high seas. Some remain in ports because of the ease of procuring food.
From June to September mullets spawn in two or even three rows being with the 500,000 - 1,000,000 Roe one of the most prolific saltwater fish. Boistea occurs in the open sea but also in ghiols. Unfortunately, the offspring of the latter remain in their turn in gills and do not reach the normal waistlines for the species. Due to wintering in bays, where ports are located, mullets have a slight taste of petroleum products taste that diminishes only by the end of September.
Raft fishing
This way of fishing can be done only in the protected places, on the port Quays or on the dams. The rod or stick over 5 - 6 meters long helps to search for fish further from the noisy Quay. Thread 0.12-0.25, hooks no. 10 - 6 and a long raft balanced by a few buckshot or a lead Strip is all the equipment. Of course, a long-tailed Minnow is needed to pull the fish out of the water 3-4 meters from the place where we stand.
Hook binding has a peculiarity resulting from experience. The two hooks are connected on the boards up to 5 centimeters long with the lead between them. As a bait can be used sea bream, less often the meat of small scallops and the core of white bread.
If the frames and shells everything is simple, when it comes to bread things get complicated. Depending on the size of the hooks, a piece of core is taken, compacted with your fingers to the curvature of the hook leaving the other end of the bread "flower".
Considering that this fish often plays with the bait-rarely takes it firmly-stinging on bream fishing is quite difficult. A series of misfires is inherent. It amuses me to see on the gorges fishermen who sting with "spears" the sky without taking out fish. I had the patience to count how many false stings a mullet caught: the "score" was 28/1!
Fishing launched
If the raft is caught short, at the launched we take the bait at very long distances. Throws over 100 yards are commonplace. The usual bait is the" sea bream " which unfortunately is obtained with a lot of Labor.
The worm known as the" sea rama " was the last of the victims of the massive pollution. Living at shallow depths in muddy - sandy soils, where oxygenation is reduced, he was severely affected by pollutants that reduced or completely canceled that minimum oxygenation.
The storage of the frames is made with moss or seaweed or they are given through "breadcrumbs"- "breadcrumbs" being dry sand - after which they are stored in boxes in the refrigerator. A tip for those who have the joy of discovering a place rich in frames.
Do not collect only the required amount for 2-3 games because regardless of the form of storage frames die quite quickly. In Italy, France and Greece the frames are found in fish shops along with "pasticia" which is kneaded bread.
Due to the waves and vegetation carried by them, it is good to support the rod on a support so that the angle is greater than 60 degrees.If the sea is calm and clean, we can descend at this angle.
The bite of the mullet is brutal because it seeks to snatch the frame from the hook and repeat. The sting must be prompt.
A late sting means misfire. Like Trout, the mullet bites briefly and only increased attention and the hand prepared for prompt stinging brings results.
If in other fish the reel adjustment is part of the game, here it does not work. Here is the practice of "playing" which on which.
Mullet Breeding
It reproduces in august-September in Razelm, Sinoe lakes or in the sea on sandy bottoms, after which the adults, with the cooling of the water, retreat to the depth of the sea.
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Mullet | Facts & InformationMullet | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Mullet