Pheasant | Facts & Information
# Pheasant | Facts & Information
Pheasant | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Pheasant
The pheasant comes from Central Asia and the Southern Region of the Caucasus. Currently there are about 30 breeds, all of which are active birds during the day, living in fields with cultivated lands,and at night they retreat into the forest sleeping in trees.
Hatching of eggs is done in 2 systems:
Read More on Pheasant
Pheasant (phasianus colchicus) found in Europe, is certainly a metis resulting from crossing several subspecies of wild pheasants native to Asia.
Sexual dimorphism, it is, as in any of the subspecies of Origin, very obvious.
In our country the wild pheasant is known as the hunting pheasant. It is brought to romania by man from the time of the Romans.
Pheasant Feed
Pheasant food is very diverse: from insects, larvae, ant eggs, spiders, sopirles, etc. to grains of any kind, fruits, succulent seeds, etc.
Features Pheasant
The Rooster has, first of all, a greater weight (over 1 kg) and is more brightly colored than the pheasant. It has a green head and neck with metallic reflections, a reddish-brown body dotted with large black spots and yellowish stripes on the contour of the feathers on the back, a long brown tail crossed transversely by dark brown stripes and bright red nude skin around the eyes. Unlike coconut, the chicken is much more modestly colored, even having a dull appearance.
It is a polygamous Bird (a rooster with 5-6 hens), sedentary, which does not migrate in winter but only in search of food. The female lays in the nest 8-15 greenish or brown eggs that you cloce?from April to June for 24 days on a grassy soil. In order to maintain the constant herd of birds there are currently pheasant breeders, the chicks hatching in incubators.
Pheasant prefers small forest bodies with a lot of thickets, crings, reeds, especially if there is a water source nearby. To a greater extent he prefers the reeds, the marshes, especially those that do not freeze at the springs, and the agricultural fields ramese pirloaga. In these biotopes, the pheasant is located, mainly for good shelter and food conditions.
In the fields that hold pheasant, The Voice of the Rooster will be heard in the morning and in the evening, a shrill scream, repeated, longer or shorter, as the case may be, but in any case unmistakable. The tetradactyl trace plus excrement and especially the evening and morning screams betray his presence.
A great danger is the mechanization and chemization of Agriculture for the pheasant biotope. The use of Furadan caused great damage to the pheasant herds around the farmland. In recent years even in the Danube Delta, where large areas of tern have been leased for agriculture-pheasant herds are regressing.
The trophy is the whole bird or naturalized bust, or only the tail feathers worn as pampon to the hat. It is not allowed to hunt at pinda or at the branch. The hunting period is between 01.10-28.02 and the 3.0-3.5 mm Lisa gun is used.
Hunting and retrieving the pheasant without a hunting dog is particularly difficult – because when it senses danger it moves on its feet very quickly-without taking flight, making the Hunter's task almost impossible. Also after the fire, his recovery will be especially difficult!
It is not recommended to win the pheasant without hunting dogs, because there is great damage in the background, most of the shot pieces remaining unrecovered.
Pheasant Breeding
An example of breeding pheasants in captivity.
Pheasants selected for breeding will usually be chosen from the youth of under 1 year, locked before May 15. Selection is made in September-October.
Only specimens in perfect health, well conformed, with fleshy chest, full plumage, including tail, clear and sharp eyes, eggplant color, smooth legs, without scales, males of minimum 1.5 kg, females of 0.9 kg. In females, specially made plastic glasses are applied.
Harvesting, transportation, storage and storage of pheasant eggs are done in a similar way to those of eggs intended for hatching being 5-7 days. Eggs of 8-15 days can be used for hatching, but the percentage of hatching obtained will be lower by 8-15%. Eggs over 15 days old give poor hatching results.
- natural (with closti – hens);
- artificially, in specialized incubation stations.
Natural incubation, with hens (chickens), is done in boxes, nesting for brooding, placed in line, in halls, on the edge of the shelter opposite the facade. In some farms, natural hatching is used by placing nests with closets on a fenced ground, which must be higher, with a permeable soil, allowing easy drainage of water, protected from winds, to be covered to ensure protection from rain and shade necessary during the very hot and Sunny time. Hatching aviaries should be located away from villages, in quiet areas, away from heavily traveled roads, railways.
Before starting hatching check the integrity of the boxes, nesting for hatching, the damaged ones are repaired, all are disinfected and disinsected in caustic soda 3%.
Ensuring the number of closets must take into account the purchase of a sufficient number of closets to lock for a close period of time (an interval of 2-4 days), taking into account the fact that pheasant egg production is achieved in percentage of 60-65% in May. All these desiderata must lead to obtaining lots as large, compact and close in age.
One hen can cover 18-22 pheasant eggs. The care of the closets is done similar to the sluicing of other bird species. The percentage of hatching in the case of natural hatching varies between 60-75%. The average hatching time for pheasant eggs is 24 days, within 23-35 days.
Artificial incubation is done with very good results, using very good quality eggs (see natural hatching), in incubators of different types and brands, over which we do not insist. The results obtained in artificial incubation can lead to a hatching percentage of 70-75%. After the birth of the offspring, the percentage of those who will reach the age of 8 weeks is between 60 and 90%. On average, out of 100 eggs laid to hatch will result in 57 adults.
If you cross subjects of different species, you get hybrid offspring. If they cross subjects of the same species, but with different characteristics, the offspring are called mestizos. The major difference between the two processes is that mestizos are always fertile, unlike hybrids, which are often sterile.
In order to achieve a successful hybridization, it will be considered the choice of specimens that present compatibility (to be at least from the same family). The greater the differences between birds, the lower the chances of success. Besides morphological differences, there are many other factors that hinder this process: differences in diet, habits, reproductive period.
Artificial hybridization performed in the laboratory offers a wide range of possibilities, obtaining, for example, breeds resistant to low temperatures or to certain diseases. In the case of pheasant breeding, hybridization is not a priority, preferring the preservation of pure breeds. It is practiced especially in the case of ornamental pheasant breeds, even with analogous species such as grouse or dwarf hens.
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Pheasant | Facts & InformationPheasant | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Pheasant