Platy fish | Facts & Information
# Platy fish | Facts & Information
Platy fish | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Platy fish
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Platy fish
The platy fish, also known as Xiphophorus maculatus, is a species of freshwater fish that belongs to the Poeciliidae family. These fish are native to Central America and are appreciated both in aquariums and aquaculture for their beauty and ease of reproduction and maintenance.The platy fish is one of the most popular aquarium fish due to its flattened and colorful shape. These fish can grow up to a length of about 5-7 cm, depending on the species and care conditions. Their color varies greatly, with a wide range of colors and patterns, including red, orange, yellow, white, and black.
These fish are also appreciated for their friendly and sociable behavior. They are peaceful fish that easily tolerate the presence of other fish species in the aquarium and can be successfully raised in mixed communities. However, it is important to note that males can become aggressive in the presence of other male platy fish, so it is recommended to maintain a balanced ratio of males to females in the aquarium.
The care and reproduction of platy fish are relatively easy, making them an attractive option for beginners in the aquarium hobby. These fish prefer slightly alkaline and warm water (temperature around 24-26°C), with a pH between 7 and 8. It is important to provide a spacious aquarium with enough surface area for swimming and aquatic plants that provide shelter and natural food. Additionally, platy fish are omnivores, feeding on live food such as bloodworms and daphnia, as well as dry or freeze-dried food available in stores.
An interesting aspect of platy fish is their ability to reproduce quickly. The female can give birth to up to 100 fry at once, without the need for a male for fertilization. This process, known as asexual reproduction or parthenogenesis, allows for the rapid growth of the platy fish population in an aquarium. However, to ensure the health and well-being of the fish, it is recommended that those who wish to engage in their reproduction provide suitable conditions and closely monitor the development and growth of the fry.
In addition to their popularity in aquariums, platy fish are also used in aquaculture, especially in tropical and subtropical areas, due to their ability to adapt and reproduce quickly. These fish can be grown in pond systems, where they can feed on aquatic plants and phytoplankton. From an economic point of view, the platy fish has significant importance in the ornamental fish industry.
In conclusion, the platy fish is a fascinating and beautiful animal that has gained popularity among aquarium enthusiasts worldwide. Their attractive appearance, friendly behavior, and ease of raising and maintenance make them an excellent choice for beginners in the aquarium hobby. With the right conditions and careful attention to their needs, platy fish can bring joy and a special charm to any aquarium.
(Xiphophorus maculatus)
The platy fish (Xiphophorus maculatus) was first described by Gunther in 1866 as Platypoecilus maculatus.
Platy species are ovoviviparous. Their distribution is limited and they are only found in Mexico and Belize, but they have also been brought to the Antilles islands to combat targeting.
Females reach sizes of CA. 7 cm, while males are smaller and do not exceed 5 cm. In the trade there is a multitude of shapes and colors of this fish, which have been selected over the years.
Food Platy
Platy is an omnivorous fish, which needs a diverse diet: larvae of targets, grindal, artemia, tubifex, boiled and peeled peas, flakes, granules, spirulina.
It is worth noting that platy is a very effective algae mincer. In fact, algae are essential for his health.
Platy Appearance
The body is relatively elongated with the back and abdomen just asxiphophorus maculata, platy of oblong, but forms with a taller back and longer body can also occur. The dorsal has 9-10 radii, being relatively small, but "veil" forms have appeared with the dorsal much lengthened. The length it reaches is 4 cm for the male and 6 cm for the female.
Even in nature, many coloristic forms appear, and in aquaristics, following the selection appeared even more. At the base, the nape and the back area are dark olive, on the flanks it is blue, with dark but rather faded transverse stripes, the area under the opercula and the abdomen are white, with colorless fins.
On the root of the tail may appear black spots of various patterns, red brown, blue. As coloristic varieties appeared: Golden platy, red, wagteil = red body with fins and black tail, as well as tuxeto = have black and shiny scales on a red or green background.
In the U.S. Gordon obtained a variety "bleeding heart" that has the throat or pectoral area a blood red and the rest of the body is white. The optimal temperature is 20-25 degrees C. They give birth to live cubs, up to 100 pieces depending on the sizes of the female (especially early in the morning).
Platy Features
It is a gregarious fish (it is good to be kept in groups), very quiet, even skittish. Exception-in the presence of fry that he does not hesitate to devour. The pairing will be done with calm fish that prefer a neutral or alkaline water (pH 7.0 – 8) such as Guppies or xipho.
Avoid associating them with more aggressive fish, such as Tetrazone Barbus. The proportion must be one male to three females to avoid conflicts between males and not to tire the females, platy being a very sexually active fish.
The maintenance of this fish does not raise any particular problems. Platy feels good in a community aquarium, with a volume of 100l.the basin must be well planted, and also have surface plants and hiding places. Specific plants biotope or natural are Cabomba, Egeria, Myriophillum, which require bright lighting – 1 watt for 2L of water.
Ceratopteris can also be chosen, which has the advantage of being able to be planted in the substrate or can be left to float on the surface of the water or for Vallisneria Americana. The latter will be chosen only for large pools, due to its dimensions exceeding 1 m in length in the natural environment. For those who do not have enough light, Cryptocorynes can be chosen.
Java Moss bushes (Vesicularia dubyana) or riccia are ideal for Fry born in community aquariums. The decor can be supplemented with dark shale, which will contrast with the greens of plants and the colors of fish.
Filtration should not be strong, because platy loves calm waters with a light stream of water – twice the volume of the pool is enough. This species requires hard water with a high pH, but can also accommodate in slightly acidic waters.
The only requirement of these fish is clean water, and exchanges will be frequent because this fish proves an increased sensitivity to organic accumulations. When water is of poor quality, it can suffer from bacterial infections.
Platy love heat, the water temperature will be 24-28 degrees. The main problem that can occur in the acclimatization phase is sensitivity to semolina – the disease of white dots. Therefore, a quarantine period is recommended for any newly purchased fish, because semolina can cause significant damage if it is not detected in time.
Blue platy
Orange platy
Black Parrot platy
Variatus platy
Pineapple platy
Hi-fin platy
Blue Coral platy
Red platy
Dalmation platy
Breeding Platy
Platy are ovoviviparous fish. Reproduction is easy. The females do not take care of the Cubs, and in a restful space such as the aquarium, in the absence of special precautions, the vast majority of fry, if not most of them, will be devoured by the adult parents.
The pregnant female has a bulging abdomen and a dark spot below the abdomen. At the end of the gestation period, the Cubs are visible inside the mother (tiny spots corresponding to the eyes). The gestation period is 30 days. Females have the ability to store sperm up to a period of one year and continue to be fertile during this time, even the absence of a male.
It is better for the female to separate in a smaller aquarium (60l), with a summary decoration, Java Moss and surface plants that will provide protection to the fry. They can also be used for commercial purposes. After birth, the female will be taken out. The date of birth cannot be known precisely, since many varieties of platy have very dark colors, and the gestation stain cannot be noticed.
However, the interval between two births is approx. one month. The moment we notice that the abdomen begins to round, it is good for the female to be isolated. Once separated, it will gradually get used to the new environment. To help her, she needs to be fed 1-2 times a day with a richer food than usual.
The adult female platy gives birth to around 40 to 100 cubs. This number depends on the size and age of the mother, but it is not a very prolific fish. Males reach maturity at 4 months of age, when they must be separated from their sisters to avoid early breeding.
The growth of the offspring is relatively slow. It is recommended a food rich in protein-nauplii of artemia and / or feed for commercial fry. The Fry will be fed a little more times a day and will be raised in a smaller pool, in which the level of nitrites and ammonia will be constantly measured.
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Platy fish | Facts & InformationPlaty Fish | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Platy Fish