Poecilotheria regalis | Facts & Information

# Poecilotheria regalis | Facts & Information

Poecilotheria regalis | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Poecilotheria regalis

Species: regalis.It is widespread in India: Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu. It is found in areas rich in vegetation, up to 1000m altitude.It can be found under the following common names: Indian Ornamental Tree Spider, King Parachute Spider, Royal Parachute Spider or Indian ornamental.

Origin: India

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Arachnida

Order: Araneae

Suborder: Mygalomorphae

Family: Theraphosidae

Genus: Poecilotheria

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Poecilotheria Regalis

Poecilotheria regalis









Indian Ornamental tree Tarantula (Poecilotheria regalis) translates as Indian ornamental tree tarantula. It is part of

Food Poecilotheria regalis

In nature they feed on insects, spiders, scorpions, frogs, reptiles and birds. In captivity they generally feed on grasshoppers, crickets, mealworms, superworms and beetles.Features Poecilotheria regalis

Poecilotheria regalis was described by Pocock in 1899. It is an arboricola species, during the day it takes refuge in the crowns of trees, adult specimens can reach between 17-20 cm in length. Compared to Poecilotheria ornata this species is calmer but this also differs from specimen to specimen. They are fast and have potent venom, the bite causing intense pain and muscle cramps. Unlike the South American species, it does not have hives. The predominant colour is grey and males are usually darker. The pattern on the body is outlined in black. As they grow, colors such as yellow and blue appear on the ventral side of the legs. It is known in the hobby as a hardy species but is not recommended for beginners for the reasons mentioned above. Life expectancy is between 10-12 years.


It is an arboreal species so the height is the most important, a terrarium of L 30 cm x l 30 cm x h 45 cm is enough to accommodate an adult specimen. The chicks dig galleries to hide (a general case for arboreal tarantulas, except for the genus Avicularia) and as they grow they become arboreal, so a deep enough substrate or tree bark is needed to hide, as the case may be.

The optimum temperature during the day can vary between 24-26 grC, at night it can drop to 20 grC. The level of relative air humidity should always exceed 70-75%. To maintain the humidity it is recommended to use the coconut substrate and when the tarantula is over 7-8 cm long, you can equip the enclosure with a pot of water, of a suitable depth to prevent accidents.


All species of tarantulas possess venom. Although it is not very potent, bites are never placute.De like any species of tarantula and Poecilotheria regalis can be unpredictable and a bite can occur at any time. For these reasons we recommend maximum attention when the tarantula is fed, moved or when its terrarium is cleaned.

It is not recommended to handle tarantulas, especially by those without experience.

Reproduction Poecilotheria regalis

Males reach maturity around the age of 1 year and females after 2-3 years. It is preferable that mating takes place at a short interval after moulting and the two protagonists are well fed (especially the female). If the mating has been successful, the female must continue to be fed because she will need resources to lay the egg sac. It is laid within 4-6 weeks of reproduction and contains on average 40-50 eggs. The pattern of the offspring is relatively similar to that of adults.

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Poecilotheria regalis | Facts & InformationPoecilotheria Regalis | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Poecilotheria Regalis