Poecilotheria rufilata | Facts & Information

# Poecilotheria rufilata | Facts & Information

Poecilotheria rufilata | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Poecilotheria rufilata

Species: rufilata.It is a species native to India in the regions: Kerala, Tamil Nadu. The habitat of the species is the evergreen and humid forests of India.

Origin: India

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Arachnida

Order: Araneae

Suborder: Mygalomorphae

Family: Theraphosidae

Genus: Poecilotheria

Read More on Poecilotheria rufilata
Poecilotheria Rufilata

Poecilotheria rufilata









Slate Red Ornamental Tarantula (Poecilotheria rufilata), translated: slate red ornamental tarantula, is part of

Food Poecilotheria rufilata

There are no special rules for feeding this tarantula, practically the only obligation of the owner is to provide him with food, because from here on the tarantula will take care of everything.Features Poecilotheria rufilata

Poecilotheria rufilata together with Poecilotheria ornata represent the 2 largest species of the genus, both of which can reach 22 cm legspan. despite being faster even than Poecilotheria ornata, which often prefers to bite rather than flee, this species in most cases chooses to flee from a potential danger. Personally, I never saw her bite or even try to attack the object I was trying to convince her to climb into the container she was going to sit in while I made various changes to her terrarium. This species is arboreal and although it prefers to retreat from danger, it has a temperament and speed that requires maximum attention when interacting with the tarantula. The species is known in the hobby as the greenest tarantula, that's because of its color.


Being an arboreal tarantula, it needs more space vertically than horizontally, also branches to climb on and possibly a bark in which to hide. The temperature in the terrarium should be kept within the limits of 22-26 degrees Celsius, and the relative humidity of the air around 70%. in the case of juveniles we recommend a slightly thicker layer of substrate, to give the animal the opportunity to build galleries in which to hide.


All species of tarantulas possess venom. Although it is not very potent, bites are never placute.De like any species of tarantula and Poecilotheria rufilata can be unpredictable and a bite can occur at any time. For these reasons we recommend maximum attention when the tarantula is fed, moved or when its terrarium is cleaned.

It is not recommended to handle tarantulas, especially by those without experience.

Reproduction Poecilotheria rufilata

Not much is known regarding the mating behavior of these animals in the wild, however in captivity there are quite cases of successful mating, however the females of this species are recognized for the fact that they attack the male even before mating.

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Poecilotheria rufilata | Facts & InformationPoecilotheria Rufilata | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Poecilotheria Rufilata