Ragdoll cat | Facts & Information

# Ragdoll Cat | Facts & Information

Ragdoll Cat | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Ragdoll Cat

The origins of the Ragdoll could not be established with certainty. The only thing that is certain is that the breed was created around the 1960s by an American breeder, Ann Baker. She paired a cat Josephine with long white hair and signs characteristic of Siamese, which was supposedly an angora metis with a male Metis of Burmese with Burmese, thus resulting in the Ragdoll.

Origin: U. S. A.

Obtaining: Crossing

Weight: 4.5-9 kg

Colors: blue, chocolate, lilac

Fur: long

Temperament: docile, delicate, intelligent

Health: possible hip dysplasia

Chicken: 5 chickens

Average age: 9 – 15 years

Other names: Ragdoll cat

Price: $ 400- $ 800

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Ragdoll Cat

Ragdoll Cat










These unusual cats in appearance were created to become the most coveted cat as a companion. Extremely friendly and affectionate, they possess very few of the temperamental characteristics of cats, being noted for their tendency to be extremely malleable and tolerant, hence their name rag doll, meaning rag doll.

Ann Baker claimed that these unique cats were immune to pain, an aspect disputed by Ragdoll breeders. In 1967, the Ragdoll breed was recognized in the United States. In 1993, the Ragdoll was accepted and registered by the CFA.

Today, the Ragdoll is recognized by the Federation Internationale Feline d'europe (FIFE), AACE (American Association of Cat enthusiasts), ACA (American Cat Association, ACFA (American Cat Fanciers Association), CCA (Canadian Cat Association), CFA (Cat Faciers? Association), CFF (Cat Fanciers? Federation), TICA (the International Cat Association), UFO (United Feline Organization).

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Appearance Ragdoll Cat

The Ragdoll is a large, strong and muscular cat. His fur consists of long silky hairs covering a deep fluff of plush texture. Ragdolls have large and expressive eyes, oval in shape and blue in color. The body is elongated, wide and compact with strong bone, and the large head is more wide than elongated.

The head is wider at eye level, and the chin is strong and obvious. The ears have a broad base of implantation, with a moderately wide pavilion and rounded tips. The thorax is wide and deep, connecting with the head by means of a short and muscular neck.

Around the neck, the hair is a little longer forming a collar. The legs, neither too long nor too short, end with large paws, round and ornate with tufts of hair. On the posterior extremity of the hind limbs, the hair is also longer. The tail is long and bushy.

The Ragdoll is found in four color varieties: seal, chocolate, gray-blue and lilac and three supported models: colorpoint, mitted and bicolor. The colourpoint type shows the muzzle, ears, tail and extremities of the legs of a darker color, similar to Burmese.

The mitted type shows dark spots on the face, ears and tail, and the extremities of the legs are white. The bicolour type has more white than the mitted type, i.e. all four paws, the inner face of the thorax and abdomen, and a V-shaped mark turned to the face. Bicolor cats may also have a white spot or two on their backs.

The body is covered with lighter colored fur while the extremities (face, legs, ears and tail) similar to Siamese are dark colored. The color stabilizes around the age of 2 years.

Females are generally smaller in size and more slender. Males weigh around 6.8-9 kg, while females can reach a body weight of between 4.5-6.8 kg.

Ragdoll Cat Behavior

Ragdoll is a wonderful companion. Mannered and cute, ragdolls are well known for their extremely tolerant and docile character. The Ragdoll is docile, affectionate, intelligent and delicate. They like to play, but are not overly active.

They are sociable cats and very attached to their owners. Affectionate, but without insisting on being the center of attention, ragdolls want nothing more than to nestle in their master's lap and be pampered.

If you are looking for a typical cat, a feline that is distant and cold, then you need to keep looking. The Ragdoll is not an independent cat, nor will it be safe if left alone outside unattended. The Ragdoll is very sociable and will not only suffer if neglected, but can get seriously injured if left unattended.

While these large beauties require little movement, as with other pets, they need an owner who is able to take great responsibility. Contrary to the native feline characters they are supposed to possess, the Ragdoll is not aggressive, often getting hurt because it does not tend to defend itself if attacked.

Soft and peaceful, the Ragdoll is considered by many breeders to be a mottled cat. The Ragdoll easily adapts to its living environment. They tolerate children and other pets. It is ideal for people living in apartments, as the Ragdoll prefers to stay in the House longer. They are playful but not overly active and love to spend time with their human friends.

Features Ragdoll Cat

Ragdolls mature more slowly, taking up to 3-4 years to fully develop.

They can also be easily educated.

Ragdolls are famous for being gourmet cats.

So, accordingly, pay attention to what and how much they eat.

Their fur does not require special care, but simply brushing with a metal comb about twice a week is enough. Ragdoll, like cats of other breeds, generally shed with the change of seasons.

The absence of an abundant, dense fluff has the effect of reducing hair loss, its tangle and the formation of hair lumps at the gastrointestinal level.

Ragdoll Cat Diseases

The Ragdoll is generally a hardy breed, rarely requiring medical attention. However, there are some risk factors that should not be neglected. Some diseases that affect the Ragdoll are hip dysplasia and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy of felines.

Males are not safe from feline urological syndrome (formation of pebbles in the kidney or bladder), which is why attention should be paid to nutrition and the appearance of possible difficulty urinating.

After a certain age, depending on the individual, they tend to deposit dental tartar, with predilection on molars and carnations.

The Ideal is that after the age of 6-8 years, even if you have a healthy specimen, to make a routine check and some investigations (ultrasound, X-ray, blood and urine tests) to detect early any sensitivities and to try to remedy them through a proper diet or with the help of an appropriate treatment.

In conclusion, a balanced diet, bad water, regular medical check-ups, regular vaccinations and a lot of love are the ingredients of a recipe that will ensure the health of your companion.

The life expectancy of the Ragdoll is about 9-15 years.

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Ragdoll cat | Facts & InformationRagdoll Cat | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Ragdoll Cat