Rate | Facts & Information
# Rate | Facts & Information
Rate | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Rate
What they eat: plants, seeds, insects, small fish
Lifespan: between 4 and 8 years
Diet: Omnivorous
Class: Aves
Scientific name: Anas Platyrhynchos
How does the rate:
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Where he lives: temperate climates / households
Predators: felines, humans, snakes, hawks, eagles
It is very popular, and is found all over the world except Antarctica ice cream.
He loves water, walks along rivers and lakes, sometimes in the sea. Duck is the name assigned to a variety of species in the family Anatidae.
They are waterfowl, smaller than their relatives, Swans and geese, and can be found in both fresh and salty water.
Feed Rate
Ducks have a diverse menu; they can consume herbs, aquatic plants, fish, insects, small amphibians, worms and small mollusks.
Diving ducks (aythyinae) and marine Ducks feed underwater. To dive more easily, they are heavier than the other duck breeds, even though it is more difficult for them to fly.
The Ducks of the subfamily Anatinae (the breed comprising the court duck) feed on the surface although they can catch other underwater creatures as long as they can reach them with their necks without sinking completely.
Even if they have a small beak, some more specialized Ducks can also swallow large fish.
Rate Layout
Some people use the term "duck" specifically for the adult female and "duck" for the male. The term "duckling" is used for a small duck, a duckling (a Bud), regardless of its gender. He carries his plump body on short, thin legs. That's why they have a wobbly gait. The claws are joined by a membrane and have a long, wide and square beak.
The color of the body differs depending on the species. Most domestic ducks are white, brown, or various color combinations. They weigh slightly more than a chicken, their weight being between 2 and 4 kg. I don't live alone, but with others.
The feathers of the duck, like those of chickens or other birds, are light. The duck produces a substance protects it and does not allow water to stick to it. That's why the duck when it comes out of the water is dry the legs end with fingers that are joined by a membrane used in swimming. Fingers end with claws.
Rate Features
Ducks are often the prey of other animals. The most vulnerable are young ducks and freshmen, because they have greater difficulty in flying and defending themselves. The Ducks fall prey to several other animal breeds, such as snakes, crocodiles and Hawks.
Female brooding Ducks can be caught by a variety of animal species such as Fox or wolf. In flight, Ducks have almost no predators, apart from humans and possibly the pilgrim Falcon, which uses its agility to catch ducks in flight.
Adult rates are good fliers; however rates that stay on the water can be caught by marine predators. Wild ducks are often hunted for food or for sport, by shooting. The flesh of the Ducks is found mainly on the legs and chest. The heart and liver of the duck are also edible.
They also have many economic uses; from them are used meat, eggs but also plumage (especially that of the male). Rates are often raised on farms for food and plumage.
All domesticated ducks come from their wild ancestor, Anas platyrhynchos, except for the leseasca rate. Domesticated ducks are much larger than wild ones, some of them having 30 centimeters from the pool to the tail.
One thing misunderstood by the population is that most of the Ducks, except the domestic ones and the female Anas platyrhynchos, do not Macan, but make different kinds of sounds. Another thing misunderstood is that the domestic rate macanite has no Echo, but in the TV show MythBusters it was shown that the rate macanite has some echo, even if it is shorter.
Rates have remained an accepted presence in cities; migration directions have remained unchanged for so long that when they migrate to the equator they return for years to the same cities.
Usually, these birds do not disturb human activity but can influence it if they place their nest in places where man has activity, such as in cellars.
It is known about ducks that they are very sociable. Their macanit and pleasant and funny physical appearance, as well as its usefulness in the House of Man make the duck one of the favorite animals of man.
Reproduction Rate
In northern duck species, male ducklings have a more colourful plumage to attract females.
However, they shed this plumage in the summer, gaining an appearance closer to that of the females. Southern species usually show less sexual dimorphism.
The wild duck builds a simple nest in hollows, scrubs, etc., lays 8-14 greenish eggs which it hatches for 22-28 days. The domestic duck lays eggs in the nest.
At birth, the little ducklings are covered in fluff for a few weeks after which they begin to crest their feathers.
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