Red duck | Facts & Information
# Red Duck | Facts & Information
Red Duck | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Red Duck
It nests in southern and Central Europe on reed beds. Slightly smaller than the mottled rate, and the white stripe on the wing is narrower and more conspicuous (in flight).
Red Duck
Threatened species on a global scale. Extremely rare in Romania.
Romania has the largest brooding population in Europe, namely approx. 8000 pairs. The species can be confused with the females of other diving ducks that can be hunted legally, for example with the motata duck (aythya fuligula). It must not be the subject of hunting.
Red Duck Feed
These birds feed mainly on fish and algae from diving.
They eat mainly aquatic plants, mollusks, aquatic insects and small fish.
It often feeds at night.
Features Red Duck
The White portion of the abdomen is narrower and completely surrounded by a dark color. The female is dark grey-brown with black eyes and white subcodals.
Notice the high crest and rather long beak, which along with the white stripe on the wing are the hallmarks for a comparative identification with the mottled duck.
The female's cry is repetitive," car", shorter and taller than in sp. previous. The male is more silent,"ciuc-ciuc-ciuc".
Reproduction Rate Red
The Red Duck usually breeds in April-June. The nest consists of vegetation at ground level. The female lays between 7 and 10 eggs and incubates for 25 to 28 days.
Little ducks stay with their mother for almost 60 days. After a year they reach sexual maturity.
The species is migratory, migration is made in august-October with return in March.
The Red Duck is seen as solitary or in small groups.
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Red duck | Facts & InformationRed Duck | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Red Duck