Somali | Facts & Information

# Somali | Facts & Information

Somali | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Somali

Other names: Somali cat, Somali cat, Fox cat, Abyssinian long-haired cat, long-haired Abyssinian

Origin: Somalia

Obtaining: Mutation

Weight: 3.5 - 5.5 kg

Colors: reddish, golden brown

Fur: long

Temperament: active, curious, loyal

Chicken: 3-4 chickens

Average age: 11 – 12 years

Price: 200-600 Euro

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Health: generally healthy, requires daily brushing


The idea has been advanced that this Abyssinian cat with semi-long hair would have a Persian ancestry.

But it originated in America, where a breeder, benefiting from two long-haired individuals, had the idea to breed and breed them.

After obtaining the offspring, using severe selection on the desired characters, he managed to obtain the biological material that we have today.

The breed has been recognized since 1979 in the U.S. and in 1982 by the F. I. Fe.

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Appearance Somali Cat

The great attraction to this cat comes from the particularly soft, dense and mottled fur that it has.A single hair can have up to 12 pigmented rings, compared to a maximum of 4 from Abyssinian.

The breed is characterized by a round head, which narrows to the free part, but not sharp as in other rase.La at the level of the head, you can see the ears located behind the skull, well apart, wide at the base and moderately sharp.

The relatively large, almond-shaped eyes are embroidered with black, expressive and deep, green, gold and Amber colors.

The body is well developed, supple, elegant and properly dressed in musculature.Properly developed limbs, Oval in shape in section, are solid and firm.

The tail is well caught, long, thick at the base, thin at the tip and bushy. The hair is thick, medium length, fine and soft, which gives the animal a special placut.In the neck region, the hair is more abundant, forming the so-called" collar", and in some individuals there are also small tufts of hair at the level of the ears.

On the surface of the body we meet two or three bands of contrasting color with the animal's robe.The colors are different and they delineate several varieties.

Somali Cat Behavior

The Somali cat is much liked because it is very lively and affectionate, less reserved and jealous compared to the Abyssinian.

It is a very playful breed, with a sweet meowing even during the heat.He likes to have a lot of space for movement, but he also supports growth in the apartment very well.

Very curious by nature, she is circumspect with strangers and "weighs" a lot before approaching someone.But he is faithful to the master whom he serves faithfully.

Excellent hunter, he is full of patience and cunning, rarely missing prey.It is sensitive to strong air currents and very low temperatures, which is why it is required to ensure a constant and adequate temperature.

If we keep her in the apartment it is good to offer her the possibility of moving through all the rooms and even on the terrace, where she feels very good.

Due to their external qualities and behavior, it seems that this category of cats has a bright future ahead of them.

Features Somali Cat

Somali has an open nature, curious, lively, skillful and cute. The voice is smooth and pleasant. He doesn't like small spaces. He's very happy, like a dog.

Somali cat quickly learns to walk in drawers, open cabinets, and her favorite game is hide-and-seek. She's especially playful, she even opens the tap to play with water.

They are always looking for the company of people, which is why they are ideal pets for single people.

Fur does not require special care, it is easily combed.

Somali Cat Diseases

Somali cats have particularly silky and very thick fur, without being difficult to maintain.

It is recommended, however, to brush it daily, in order to obtain a fine appearance, but also to maintain the health of the cat.

Fur care should be started at an early age for the kitten to get used to it.

The Somali cat is generally a healthy cat. The average life span is 11 to 12 years.

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