Sulawesi snail (tylomelania p.) | Facts & Information
# Sulawesi Snail (Tylomelania P.) | Facts & Information
Sulawesi Snail (Tylomelania P.) | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Sulawesi Snail (Tylomelania P.)
It can be found under the name: Tylomelania white spotted snail.
Sulawesi Snail (Tylomelania P.)
The Sulawesi snail (Tylomelania P.), also known as the freshwater snail from Sulawesi, is a fascinating species of snail that lives in the lakes and rivers of the Sulawesi island, in the Indonesian archipelago. It belongs to the Melanidae family and is known for its diversity in shape, color, and behavior.The Sulawesi snail is a small-sized animal, with an average length of 3-4 centimeters. Its shell is round and has a glossy surface, with vibrant colors and unique patterns. Depending on the species, the shell can vary in colors such as brown, black, yellow, or red. Some species can also have complex patterns or hair-like structures on the shell's surface.
These snails are found in their natural habitat, such as lakes, ponds, and rivers in Sulawesi. These water bodies are characterized by fresh and clear waters, rich in nutrients and abundant vegetation. The snails prefer aquatic areas with sandy, gravelly, or muddy substrates, where they can hide and feed on algae, detritus, and bacteria.
What makes the Sulawesi snail an interesting animal is its unique behavior. They are hermaphroditic, which means that an individual can be both male and female. Normally, they reproduce sexually, but they are also known for their ability to self-fertilize. This unique reproductive mechanism allows them to reproduce even in the absence of suitable partners.
In addition to this special characteristic, the Sulawesi snail is also known for its adaptations to the living environment. The snails develop a unique mechanism of color change, depending on the environment they are in. This allows them to camouflage and protect themselves against predators. They also have a remarkable ability to survive in drought conditions, forming a sealed shell that helps them withstand long periods without water.
Regarding species conservation, the Sulawesi snail faces an increased risk due to habitat loss and degradation. Deforestation and improper agricultural practices negatively affect water quality and reduce food availability. Additionally, excessive capture for the pet trade has led to a decline in the number of individuals in their natural environment.
To protect and conserve this unique species, measures need to be taken to protect their natural habitat and educate in the field of conservation. Additionally, regulations regarding the pet trade should be improved to prevent over-capture and illegal trafficking.
The Sulawesi snail (Tylomelania P.) is one of the most interesting and unique animals in Sulawesi. Because of their astonishing adaptations and beautiful colors, these snails are often sought after by collectors and pet lovers worldwide. However, it is important to ensure that this beautiful species of snails survives and has a safe habitat in their natural environment.
This is one of several species of snails relatively newly discovered and come to the attention of aquarists under the name Sulawesi snails. The area of origin of Tylomelania patriarchalis is Lake Matano, in the island of Sulawesi, where, although most individuals are found in shallow waters, between 1 and 2 meters, specimens have been discovered even at 40 m depth. It is an invertebrate especially prized for its very interesting appearance, both of the body and of the shell.
The feeding area of the snail Tylomelania partriarchis is the same one where it spends most of its time, the bottom area; it likes to dig in the sand to look for food. He will gladly consume the powdered food and, after a while, will also look for the tablets that have fallen into the substrate. It does not give in to either vegetable food or animal protein. It is a species with a regime of life both nocturnal and diurnal, therefore it will consume food, both day and night, but, depending on its presence or absence, it will adapt its rhythm of life. Therefore, under controlled conditions the aquarium will search for food predominantly during the day. However, it has shown a very rapid adaptability to new types and conditions of food. It is desirable that feeding be done several times a day.
Tylomelania patriarchis is, like everyone in its genus, an above-average sized snail with a conical, dark brown shell, up to 117 mm long and 35 mm wide. It can produce up to 13 twists, with older snails having a corroded apex. The body is strongly colored and with a strong contrast, black with white spots, with straight antennae, at the base of which the eyes are positioned. The overall impression is of robustness.
As most of these snails are caught directly from nature, a period of accommodation in the aquarium is necessary, in which it is mandatory to provide them with hiding places and shady places where they can take refuge and reduce the stress of moving. However, this species proves adaptable and, after the accommodation period, which can last up to a week, will explore the new home, preferring soil, both soft and Sandy, observing the avoidance of high places. Those. it is great that the aquarium contains pieces of wood and leaves.
According to the conditions of the natural environment, it is preferable to give it soft water, and a little basic (example of conditions in which it feels very good: ph 7.5-8.5, Kh 2, Gh 0) with a slightly higher temperature, of 26-28 C. Due to its size, it will be offered an aquarium over 80 cm long.
It is not a hermaphrodite species, so for successful reproduction of these invertebrates, both sexes are needed. It is believed that fertilization of the female occurs through a spermatophore. The chicks will develop inside the female, this species being an ovoviviparous one, at emergence being fully developed. The female will give birth to a cub at two to eight weeks. The chicken will be about 0.5 cm and will feed mainly on algae.
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Sulawesi snail (tylomelania p.) | Facts & InformationSulawesi Snail (tylomelania P.) | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Sulawesi Snail (tylomelania P.)