The assassin snail (anentome helena) | Facts & Information

# The Assassin snail (Anentome Helena) | Facts & Information

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Feeding Anentome Helena-Assassin snail

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The Assassin Snail (Anentome Helena)

The Assassin snail (Anentome Helena)

The Assassin Snail (Anentome Helena) is a species of freshwater mollusk that is also known as the ninja snail or the wheel snail. This species is native to the Sulawesi Islands in Indonesia and is highly valued in the aquarium trade for its ability to control snail populations, which are one of the most common problems in aquariums. This species has gained popularity in recent years due to its interesting appearance and unique behavior.

The Assassin Snail is relatively small, with an average size between 2 and 3 cm. Its body has a conical shape, with a spiral shell that is usually yellow-brown or brown with white stripes. The snail does not have plasma, instead, it has solid formations called operculum, which allow it to close the opening of its shell for protection.

What makes this species unique is its ability to hunt and feed on other snail species, including those recognized as harmful in aquariums. This assassin snail is extremely efficient in eliminating invasive snails and thus protects the ecological balance of the aquarium. Since the assassin snail prefers to feed on other snails, there is no need to worry about plant or other invertebrate destruction.

The assassin snail has a distinctive appearance and some unique characteristics that contribute to its ability to hunt and feed on other snails. Firstly, the snail has an organ called radula, which is a structure similar to a toothed tongue. This radula allows it to scrape the surface of other shells and destroy them, allowing it to access and consume the protein inside.

Additionally, the assassin snail has a specialized gland called the blue gland, which produces a substance called tetrodotoxin. This is a powerful toxin that paralyzes other snails, allowing the assassin snail to safely attack and feed on them. Although tetrodotoxin is toxic to many other animals such as fish and other organisms, it poses no danger to humans as it is present in very small quantities in the assassin snail.

The assassin snail is an opportunistic species and primarily feeds on snails whose shells are thinner than its own. It locates its prey by tracking the mucus trails left by other snails. Once it finds its prey, the assassin snail attacks it with its radula and paralyzes it with tetrodotoxin. It then opens the shell of its prey and begins to feed on its contents.

In conclusion, the Assassin Snail (Anentome Helena) is an interesting and useful species in the aquarium trade. Due to its ability to control snail populations, it helps maintain an ecological balance in aquariums. Its distinct appearance and hunting behavior make it an intriguing addition to any aquarium.









Anentome helena (Clea helena), also known as the Assassin snail, is not only an attractive presence in the aquarium, but also an effective means of getting rid of the uncontrolled multiplication of other snails, especially those of the planorbis and physa family. Native to Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia), where they are found in rivers and lakes with sandy or muddy substrate, these striped snails of 1.5-2.5 cm have recently arrived in our aquariums, where they enjoy the appreciation of aquarists.

In nature, they have been observed to feed on both proteins from already dead creatures and live prey, such as worms or snails; in other words, these snails are both predators and scavengers.

In conditions of captivity, they will certainly eat a large number of unwanted snails, but they will not give in to other animal proteins, such as pellets for bottom fish, or frozen or granulated food that reaches the bottom. In other words, any food that will be within their range, will be accepted. The way to feed with live food, but also with dead shrimp, for example, is to suck the victim through the "trunk".

Features Anentome Helena - snail Assassin

Anentomas are snails that do not like bright light and prefer to spend most of the day in the sand, from where they reveal only the "trunk", or withdrawn to a discreet place. They have a conical, tipped shell, usually red or broken, yellow in color, with a brownish spiral and strongly striated. Its maximum length is 20 mm, although it is most often found at the size of 15-18 mm. The body of the snail is gray-green with spots and has a" proboscis " that, most of the time, helps it quickly find food.

They are very effective in maintaining or even eradicating the population of "strays" snails, generally attacking only specimens that are smaller than them, generally not interacting with larger snails, such as Pomacea or Tylomelania. However, if they get the chance, they will devour the offspring of the latter. It does not attack either shrimp or fish, although it is possible to eat their eggs. It prefers harsh waters, with a ph of 7-8 and a temperature of 22-27gr C.

Breeding Anentome Helena-Assassin snail

It is a relatively easy species to reproduce, as long as there is enough food, it will mate in the aquarium, although the number of offspring that will reach maturity will be relatively small. These snails are not hermafordite, so a group of individuals will be needed to ensure reproduction – this can be seen when several smaller specimens attach to a larger one, the female.

Helena Anentome eggs are laid individually, each in a semi-transparent shell, attached to solid surfaces such as stones or plastic objects in the aquarium. Until hatching, a fairly long period passes, and after that, the offspring will bury themselves in the substrate for several months and their growth will be just as difficult, taking up to six months, to reach the adult stage.

The number of juvenile snails, however, is quite small compared to the eggs laid, suggesting that several factors prevent most of them from hatching. Among them, cannibalism can be found, but adults ignore older juveniles, so it may not be an essential one. However, with enough food, the population will slowly but surely grow.

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The assassin snail (anentome helena) | Facts & InformationThe Assassin Snail (anentome Helena) | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About The Assassin Snail (anentome Helena)