The guster | Facts & Information

# The Guster | Facts & Information

The Guster | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About The Guster

The Guster (Lacerta viridis) is one of the most beautiful living creatures in our country.

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The Guster

The Guster

The Gecko: A Mysterious Creature with Amazing Abilities

The gecko, scientifically known as Tarentola mauritanica, is a fascinating reptile that belongs to the Gekkonidae family. This species is widespread in the tropical and subtropical regions of Europe, Africa, and Asia, and its defining feature is its toes with suction cups, which allow it to easily move on vertical and horizontal surfaces.

This reptile is small in size, usually reaching around 10-15 centimeters in length, with a tail that is about two-thirds of that. The gecko has a laterally flattened body, a relatively large head with big round eyes and a large mouth equipped with sharp teeth, adapted for feeding on insects and other small invertebrates.

Geckos have a varied color palette, which allows them to perfectly camouflage in their natural environment. Usually, gecko species have noble base colors, ranging from shades of brown, gray, and green, sprinkled with dark spots or stripes. This ability to easily blend in with the surrounding environment helps them hide from potential predators and successfully surprise their prey.

The preferred habitat of geckos includes warm and arid areas such as deserts, dry grasslands, rocky areas, and abandoned quarries. However, they can also be found in wet environments such as tropical forests and wet coastal areas. Geckos easily adapt to different types of environments and can be found in a variety of landscapes, from mountainous areas to plains.

Although geckos are mainly ground-dwelling animals, they are also known for their ability to climb trees and rocks. Their suction cups and mobile and adhesive fingers allow them to cling to smooth surfaces and maneuver in unexpected angles. These characteristics give them a distinct advantage in hunting for prey and overall survival.

One fascinating aspect of geckos is their ability to avoid dehydration. These reptiles are adaptable and can live in extremely dry conditions, being able to survive long periods without water. Geckos rely on ingenious ways to maintain their moisture levels, such as distilling water from sources like dew, their fat reserves, or even moistening their bodies with urine.

Throughout their lives, geckos go through an interesting process of reproduction. Males seek females to mate with, engaging in impressive battles to win their favor. This involves intimidating the opponent by wagging their tails and displaying threatening behaviors, such as standing on their hind legs and opening their mouths. After the competition for the female, the male and female may engage in a mating ritual that involves specific movements and attraction sounds.

In terms of nutrition, geckos are considered insectivorous animals. Their main source of food consists of small insects and other invertebrates found in the environment, such as spiders or termites. Geckos hunt at night while hiding in secure places during the day. With the help of their sticky tongues, they manage to capture and swallow their prey whole.

In addition to all these amazing characteristics, geckos have also evolved a series of defense mechanisms to avoid potential predator attacks. One of the most common is their ability to shed their tails when attacked. The tail will later regenerate, allowing them to escape and remain safe.

In conclusion, the gecko is a remarkable creature with unique abilities and characteristics. Through its adaptability to different environments, the ability to move vertically and horizontally, the perfect camouflage, and survival skills in extreme conditions, the gecko demonstrates ingenuity and adaptability in a special way. With so many interesting aspects regarding its lifestyle and behavior, the gecko certainly deserves to be studied more deeply.










It is also called the Emerald lizard and if we look at the pictures we immediately realize why.

Like any reptile, the Guster is a great sun lover who provides it with the necessary energy.

For this reason these lizards are present in greater numbers in the southern part of the country and especially in Dobrogea.

Food Guster

The insects form their basic food but do not return from other smaller lizard species.

Guster Features

The Guster is the largest lizard found in our country. It can reach a length of 40 cm of which more than half is represented by the tail.

The latter helps the Guster andagainst predators.

When it is attacked and cannot escape, it detaches its tail or pieces of it with which it manages to trick the Predators and thus buys enough time to shelter.Later the tail will regenerate.

The general color of the Guster is bright green with yellow shades. The tail is chestnut and the cheeks and goiter are azure blue.

Breeding Guster

Breeding is achieved by laying small and thin-shelled eggs at the shelter.

Parents do not take care of the nest or the chicks.

In winter they hibernate in hollows or rock crevices.

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The guster | Facts & InformationThe Guster | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About The Guster