The murgese horse | Facts & Information

# The Murgese Horse | Facts & Information

The Murgese Horse | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About The Murgese Horse


Origin: Italy

Height: 140-155cm

Weight: 340-410kg

Colors: black, brown, gray

Used for: riding and light traction

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The Murgese Horse

The Murgese Horse










The Murgese breed also called Murgesi or Murge has its origins in the limestone hills of Southeastern Murge County in Italy. The breed was reborn in the 15th and 16th centuries there was high demand for such horse.

The history of the breed is shrouded in mystery, but the fact is that there is no denying the Spanish influences it has suffered.

It is an Italian breed that comes close to the famous Napolitano horse, which has Spanish influences and possible oriental influences.

While Napolitano has at times had a reputation for a difficult character, Murgese proves to be gentle and cooperative.

The Breed appeared practically for the first time in the 13th century and then fell into a decline for two centuries until almost extinction.

After this decline he climbed spectacularly in popularity after being brought to the stud farm Acquaviva Earl d'aragona.

The Murgese was re-established as a breed in 1920. The type of conformation has varied considerably since then and some say it may have evolved more refined than the original Murgesi or even Napolitano, but no one can know for sure.

Today many Murgese horses live in a semi-wet state near the Murge forests. This made them extremely resilient and healthy.

They are becoming increasingly popular in riding because of their calm and understanding nature suitable for spending leisure time with them both as beginners and as amateurs or professionals.

Murgese Appearance

The Murgese breed is between 140 and 155cm tall, and weighs about 350 – 400kg. It can be found in black, brown and gray colors.

The head is light with a straight and slightly convex profile, wide forehead and protruding jaw. The neck is robust, the chest well developed and the legs strong with large joints similar to those of the friesian breed.

The fact that the breed is bred in a semi-white state has made these horses resistant to many common diseases.

Murgese Behavior

Horses of the Murgese breed are extremely docile. They do not back down when they are put on their belts and harnesses, which is why they are preferred for tourism and horse riding.

Another quality is obedience, an important skill for complicated sports exercises.

Because of the ease with which they can be trained and their good character they are used at a lot of things, including horse shows.

Due to their high resistance to disease and difficult access from some mountain areas, they are preferred by the Forest Service throughout Italy.

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The murgese horse | Facts & InformationThe Murgese Horse | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About The Murgese Horse