The scarlet parrot | Facts & Information

# The Scarlet Parrot | Facts & Information

The Scarlet Parrot | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About The Scarlet Parrot

The Scarlet parrot (Ara macao) is one of the largest parrots that belongs to the genus Macaw. These birds have their extensive range in almost all of the Amazon basin and tropical South America. South American Scarlet parrots have yellow wings with green tips. The largest and most striking in color Scarlet Ara parrots can be found in Nicaragua.

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The Scarlet Parrot

The Scarlet Parrot










In the Wild, this species of Ara parrots inhabits low-latitude local forests and forested lands. They build their nests in hollows, especially those of large trees and soft wood. They usually fly in pairs or small family groups, but can sometimes be seen in flocks of up to 25.

The Macao Scarlet parrot is found in southern Tamaulipas, along the Caribbean coast, in Vera Cruz and Tobasco, in the southern region of Campeche, in Oaxaca and Chiapas (Mexico), in Belize, Guatemala, reaching along the Andes to Santa Cruz, Bolivia and Brazil.

In the northern part of the spreading area (Vera Cruz and Oaxaca – Mexico),the number of Macao Ara specimens has decreased considerably. In some localities, where there were many Scarlet parrots years ago, today they are difficult to find, and in Tamaulipas they only appear ocazional.In general this lowland bird lives in regions that do not exceed 900 m altitude.

In Belize, Scarlet parrots are widespread in rural coastal areas and on the forested banks of rivers. In El Salvador, the country with the highest population density in Central America

The scarlet (red) parrot is one of the most fascinating parrots among all macaw species. Ara Macau is described as magnificent, beautiful and amazing.

Feeding Parrot Scarlet (Red)

In the Wild, The Scarlet ara parrot eats a variety of seeds, nuts, fruits and vegetation from the tops of trees. There are special products for feeding Macao parrots and, in general, they like to eat with their family.

Ara macao Scarlet parrots are birds that consume a lot of energy, so they need a good quality food, rich in oils and calories.

It is advisable that its food be varied so as not to get bored. It is good if you give him special products for the Scarlet parrot, but also vegetables, fruits, grains and seeds.

As a supplement you can give him apples, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, oranges, bananas, mangoes, papayas and even berries. Of the vegetables, it's good to give carrots, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, dark green leaves. It is contraindicated to eat avocados because it is toxic to birds.

It is important that the Scarlet ara parrot constantly has fresh water at its disposal.

The cage requires daily cleaning, removing dirty objects (toys, supports), washing and disinfecting them. The floor should be washed and disinfected weekly, and old and worn items should be replaced annually with new ones.

Features Parrot Scarlet (Red)

Ara Scarlet parrots are among the largest parrots (80-95 cm and about 1 kg), having a tail that is often as long as the body and a large and powerful beak. These Ara parrots have a bright red coloration with yellow spots on the wings and dark blue spots on the feathers involved in flight.

They can be distinguished from green-winged Ara parrots by size (those with Green Wings being larger), by the color of the feathers on the surface of the wings (small feathers covering a certain area of the bird) and by the lack of facial feathers.

The bare facial skin is white and shows no strings of feathers. The tail is long and tapered. The feathers under the tail and on the tartite are blue. Young, immature birds have dark iris, color that changes over time from black to Gray, then to white and yellow (way of estimating the age of the bird).

Like most big stars, Red Ara parrots can be a little hard to bear, and can become downright loud. They can be just as destructive, and when provoked, they can even become aggressive, strongly pinching.

Ara parrots are playful and like to peck. For this reason, you must provide them with "toys" and especially pieces of wood and branches from non-toxic trees. To protect them from danger and accidents, pet parrots should not be allowed to stay free and unattended in the home, as they can often find toxic or dangerous items.

Young parrots should be socialized with as many people as possible and exposed to a variety of situations such as new cages, toys, visits to the veterinarian, befriending close family, shortening wings and angles, avoid the development of fear of the unknown.

The upper mandible, triangular at the base, is black, as is the lower one. In some birds, the feathers of the posterior region of the head are edged with yellow.

The Scarlet parrot ara macao is beautiful, incisive and intelligent. It quickly learns a lot of tricks. He may even be talented if he is taught to speak and is more talkative than the blue-and-gold Ara parrot. The Scarlet parrot can learn or even phrases. Like all macaw parrots, it chirps loudly and can even be noisy at times.

Reproduction Parrot Scarlet (Red)

The Scarlet parrot cannot be distinguished in terms of gender, there is no visible indication to determine whether it is female or male. Sex can be done by the veterinarian.

A nest consists of two or three eggs that will be hatched for 28 days. Scarlet parrot chicks will be covered with Feathers only 3 months after hatching from the egg. During the mating season , parents should be fed seeds rich in oils, such as sunflower seeds and a variety of fruits and vegetables.

During the mating season, to stimulate reproduction, in the diet of Ara Scarlet parrots will need to add supplements of seeds with a high fat content, such as sunflower. Aggression between partners is unusual in Ara parrots. The bonds that are created between partners are strong, but they don't last their entire lives.

They can reproduce until the age of 30-35, and after 40 they begin to age. A scarlet parrot can live 50 years or more.

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The scarlet parrot | Facts & InformationThe Scarlet Parrot | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About The Scarlet Parrot