Torosaurus | Facts & Information

# Torosaurus | Facts & Information

Torosaurus | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Torosaurus

Its fossil remains have been discovered in South Dakota, Utah, Texas, Wyoming and date back to the Upper Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era, 70 million years ago. Based on their analysis paleontologist Othniel Charles Marsh made a description of this species and named it Torosaurus latus.

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The dinosaur Torosaurus was a prehistoric herbivorous animal that inhabited the forested areas and savannahs of the Cretaceous territory of North America. It is also known as the” bull Lizard " because of its interesting appearance and belongs to the category of horned dinosaurs, ceratopsids.

The main feature of the torosaurus dinosaur consists in its huge, very wide collar that was worn as a trophy, it completes and outlines the largest skull that has been known throughout the animal kingdom.

Compared to other ceratopside species, the collar of Torosaurus was unique in that it had a smooth edge, without horns, protruding or bony nodes with the role of Defense or ornament. The researchers estimated the size of an adult specimen as follows: the length of the skull reached 2.6 m, the length of the body at 7.5 m and the weight at no more than 10 tons.

The shield represented almost half of the skull and was easily worn by this animal, because its weight was greatly diminished by the presence of openings covered with thick skin.

It seems that these shields of different sizes had an important role in the period of rut, their appearance and size were criteria for competition between males. The one with the largest shield was probably more successful during mating. Also, besides the decorative role, The Shield had a very important insertion function for the very long muscles of the jaws. Some researchers have concluded that some specimens may have had facial muscles about 1 m long.

Another characteristic of this dinosaur was given by the two bony horns on the forehead that had an impressive appearance, were about 70 cm large, sharp and pointed forward. Also, the horn on the nose was very durable although smaller and facing upwards. In females the two horns were farther apart and more curved, and in the young in the first years of life they were not sufficiently developed. Over time, the horns grew, and when the young reached adulthood, the horns were the size of adults.

Considering the size of the body Torosaurus was an impressive representative of the ceratopsids group, being surpassed only by the triceratops Massif – which was 9 m long, but the weight reached a maximum of 6 tons. All four limbs were sturdy, thick, like huge spikes, ending with strong paws, large fingers and hoofed claws.

The massive body of the dinosaur was easily supported by four huge legs, the tail was long and strong, held down, and the head had a slightly bent position due to the presence of the huge shield in the nape area.

By its imposing conformation this animal successfully resists the attacks of the fierce carnivores that lived at that time. With his sharp horns he could impose himself in front of the enemies and often on some of them to discourage them and even put them on the run.

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Torosaurus | Facts & InformationTorosaurus | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Torosaurus