Tree pangolin | Facts & Information

# Tree pangolin | Facts & Information

Tree pangolin | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Tree pangolin

The tree pangolin (Manis tricuspis) belongs to the genus Manis, order Pholidota. It is native to the equatorial zone of Africa. Its distribution area is from Guinea to Siera Leone and western Africa. It can be found in Kenya, Tanzania, Angola, Zambia, Senegal, Gambia and Guinea.


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Tree Pangolin

Tree pangolin

The Tree Pangolin - a Treasure of Romania's Nature

In the mysterious and enchanting forests of Romania lives a rare and fascinating animal species known as the tree pangolin. This animal is one of the seven species of pangolins that roam our planet and is considered a true treasure of nature.

The Tree Pangolin, also known as Manis tricuspis, can be found in deciduous forest regions, preferring wooded areas with moist and insect-rich soil. With an average length of 70-80 centimeters and a weight of approximately 5-7 kilograms, this animal adopts a characteristic posture while moving. It uses its tail and lateral limbs to move in a slow and synchronized manner, reminiscent of a skilled dancer.

One of the most impressive features of the tree pangolin is its outer cover, which consists of scales, making it resemble more of a mythological dragon than a mammal. These scales are made up of a material similar to a nail, called keratin, which provides excellent protection against environmental aggression. When it feels threatened, the pangolin rolls up into a tight ball, protecting its more vulnerable part - the abdomen.

The diet of the tree pangolin is mainly based on insects such as ants and termites, which it hunts with its extremely long and sticky tongue. However, this animal has no teeth, so it swallows the entire insect nest. It is digested in its highly muscular stomach, which is adapted to its specialized diet.

Unfortunately, the tree pangolin has become an endangered species due to hunting for its meat and valuable scales. Pangolin scales are used in traditional Asian medicine, and their meat is considered a delicacy in certain regions of Asia and Africa. These illegal hunting and international trade practices have dramatically reduced the number of tree pangolins in the wild.

To protect this amazing species, greater awareness and information among communities and authorities are necessary. Additionally, protecting their natural habitat is crucial for the survival of this species. The tree pangolin plays an important role in the ecological balance of forests, by controlling insect populations and dispersing seeds.

In conclusion, the tree pangolin is one of the most fascinating and mysterious animals that live in the beautiful forests of Romania. With its unique scales and its unique habits, this mammal is a treasure of nature that deserves to be protected and admired. Our efforts to increase awareness and protect their habitat will have a significant impact on the survival of this species and our ecology. Let's work together to preserve this treasure for future generations of Romanians!










It lives in tropical forests and savanna areas. It is said to adapt quite well to areas with trees and food, if not hunted. In recent years the species has declined by more than 25% of the population. Intensive exploitation for meat and traditional medicine is a danger to pangolins.

It can be found in foreign literature or literature under the names: White-bellied Pangolin, African White-bellied Pangolin, tree Pangolin, Three-cusped Pangolin, Pangolin a ecailles tricuspides, pangolin common or Tricuspids.

Feeding the tree pangolin

The tree pangolin feeds on insects such as ants and termites in trees. Eat about 150-200 grams of insects per day. Ants are known for the large amount of protein that they have. The pangolin catches them with its thin, sticky tongue.

It has no teeth, and for digestion it swallows small pebbles and sand. It is famous for keeping insect colonies (especially termites and ants) under control.

Features tree pangolin

The tree pangolin is a nocturnal semiarboreal animal. It can move both on all four legs and only on two of them, the rear ones. When moving on all fours it uses the tail for balance, and when moving on the back it uses the tail for support. When threatened it removes through the anal glands an unbearable odor almost like a skunk. Vision is not very good, but smell and hearing are very well developed.

In case of danger it crouches all in the form of a ball covering all vital parts. The only parts without scales are the belly, and the face. If a female with a chicken is attacked, it takes the shape of a ball and puts the chicken in the middle. Muscles can move to bring a higher density of scales where it is needed. When the Predator is close it removes the foul-smelling fluid from the anal glands and pulls out a specific am.

The tail is prehensile, that is, it can help itself to grab the branches or trunks of thinner trees. He's a good swimmer. It fills its belly with air to float better.

Manis tricuspis tricuspis

Manis tricuspis mabirae

Reproduction tree pangolin

The territory of the female pangolin extends over an area of 40,000 square meters and rarely overlaps. Males have much larger territories, reaching up to 200,000 square meters. Males have such large territories because they overlap with females. Encounters between males and females are short and uninteresting unless they are in the mating season.

After mating gestation lasts 150 days. After gestation the female gives birth to a single cub usually. At birth the cub has few scales. Within a few days the scales begin to harden. The baby is carried on its mother's tail until it is three months old when it is weaned. After weaning he remains with his mother for another two months. After 5 months it becomes independent.

In captivity the female adopts the offspring of other females when needed.

Life expectancy is estimated at 10-20 years.

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Tree pangolin | Facts & InformationTree Pangolin | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Tree Pangolin