Xipho | Facts & Information

# Xipho | Facts & Information

Xipho | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Xipho


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Xipho, or commonly known as swordfish, is a fascinating member of the Poeciliidae family and is highly appreciated in the aquarium hobby for its exceptional beauty and interesting behavior. These spectacular fish are native to Central and South America and are known for their distinct and unique attributes.

One remarkable aspect of Xipho fish is the serrated shape of their unique tail. This distinct physical characteristic of males is similar to a knight's sword, hence their popular name of swordfish. The serrated tail is one of the most well-known and appreciated features of these fish and is a main reason why they are usually chosen for aquariums.

Another remarkable aspect of Xipho fish is their chromatic variation. These fish can be found in a wide range of colors and patterns, including black, orange, red, blue, and green. The variation in colors is the result of artificial selection and selective breeding in the captive reproduction process.

In addition to their attractive appearance, Xipho fish are also social and energetic animals. They live in groups and are perfectly adapted to life in community aquariums. These fish are generally friendly and can be housed together with other peaceful fish species. They are also active and playful, constantly swimming around the aquarium and exploring every corner of it.

Xipho fish are adaptable and have relatively simple care needs. They can be fed a variety of foods, such as commercial fish flakes and pellets or live food. It is important to provide them with a balanced diet to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients to remain healthy and vigorous.

Regarding their habitat, Xipho fish prefer heated water and aquatic plants suitable for hiding. The water temperature should be maintained between 24°C and 28°C to create a comfortable environment for these fish. It is also recommended to provide them with enough swimming space and hiding spots to meet their behavioral needs.

Xipho fish are prolific breeders, producing numerous offspring in a single breeding period. It is important to have safe places for the newly born fry to hide before being taken by the adults. Additionally, since male Xipho fish can become aggressive during this period, it is recommended to separate them from females to avoid any potential harm to the fry or other fish species in the aquarium.

In conclusion, Xipho fish are beautiful, fascinating, and easy to maintain in aquariums. With their wide range of colors, serrated tail, and social behavior, they are a wonderful choice for aquarium enthusiasts of all experience levels. With proper care and a balanced diet, Xipho fish can bring exceptional beauty to any aquarium.









(Xiphophorus helleri)

The story of these viviparous fishes, belonging to the family Poeciliidae, begins in 1840, when the famous botanist Karl Heller was leading an expedition to Mexico, with the aim of collecting tropical plants, especially aquatic.

One day, while resting on the shore of a small lake near the town of Orizaba, Heller noticed a few small, beautifully colored fish that iridescent in the water illuminated by the sun's Rays. They were playing like children, who do not want to go to bed in the evening.

It is widespread in Central America, from Guatemala to southern Mexico.

The original form is green, the so - called" xipho verde", but after repeated selections appeared several coloristic varieties: xipho red with black tail, xipho red with red eyes, xipho albino, simpson xipho – with elongated dorsal wing, tuxeto – with a black band that stretches from the base of the caudal peduncle to the edge of the operculum (can be red or green).

Xipho black-originated from tuxeto, in which the black lateral band is very much wide covering the entire flanks of the body and the outside of the fins, which remain transparent, berliner – with black dots irregularly arranged on the red background of the body, xipho veil – in which the paired and unpaired fins are much elongated.

Xipho Food

Xipho fish are omnivorous fish, so they need a variety of food.

You can give your fish a food based on flakes or granules specially created for them.

It is also advisable that in addition to these, xipho fish benefit from live food such as larvae or frozen food.

All these varieties can be found in specialty stores.

Xipho Appearance

In size, the female reaches 12 cm, the male is smaller. Sexual dimorphism is evident, the male having the anal fin modified into a copulatory organ, called gonopodium, in veiled varieties gonopodium grows very much, becoming, because of this, inoperative.

Dimorphism is also manifested by the existence in the male of a sword-shaped extension of the radii at the base of the caudal fin, popularly being called "swordfish". It should be emphasized an interesting aspect related to sexual dimorphism and sex ratio. It is about the reversibility of the sexes and the disproportion between the sexes when depositing.

At some point a well-developed female changes her body conformation, her sword and gonopodium appear, turning into a male. This phenomenon is also observed in other viviparous species (Xiphophorus maculata).

Due to external factors (pH etc) there are physiological changes that turn the female into a male, the phenomenon being reversible, such a false male can turn back to the female, being able to give birth to Cubs again.

Xipho Features

In nature it lives in mostly slow flowing waters, with an average hardness of 10-15 dGH. These rivers pass over soils that may be more or less acidic and flow into the sea, where they are decidedly more alkaline.

So fish have preferences for neutral, slightly alkaline water. Prefer a pool with many plants and with ordinary water (from the tap) well oxygenated and filtered. Being a fish with a high metabolism prefers larger pools (50-80 l).

They are active and relatively peaceful fish, able to live in common aquariums, but eat chicks smaller than 1 cm. Males are aggressive, in the aquarium there is a hierarchy of males, the largest and strongest becoming the dominant male, which has the first access to food and mating.

Reproduction Xipho

Breeding is very easy, the female 3-4 days before the estimated date of birth will separate in a multi-plant aquarium with well-filtered and ventilated water. During this period the female will be fed with live, varied food.

It will be taken into account that after a unilateral feeding with tubifex, the female will gain weight and give birth to a small number of puppies, and many of them will be non-viable.

After 2-3 births, the female can give birth to between 100-250 Cubs. After birth the female will pull out so as not to eat the Cubs.

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Xipho | Facts & InformationXipho | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Xipho