Yingshanosaurus | Facts & Information
# Yingshanosaurus | Facts & Information
Yingshanosaurus | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Yingshanosaurus
In general appearance it is very similar to the dinosaur Stegosaurus which probably lived in the same period of the Upper Jurassic. Like this one, the body was well protected from head to tail against the attacks of predatory dinosaurs.
The dinosaur Yingshanosaurus lived about 190 million years ago, in the Mesozoic era, during the Upper Jurassic period. It was a prehistoric herbivorous animal that inhabited the forested areas near the waters of what is now Asia and fed on plants at ground level.
From the back of the head to the base of the tail it had two rows of large bony plates, and the end part of the tail had several long, sharp bony spines. The plates had different sizes, were not attached or attached to the skeleton, were implanted in thick and scaly skin and formed a true shield of defense against attacks of prey animals.
The fact that the plates were covered with richly vascularized skin allowed the dinosaur to control its heat exchange with the environment in which it lived. Also, the shoulder area was protected by the pair of long sharp spines, which had the appearance of two wings. These Wings clearly made the difference between the two sexes, as it is suspected that they appeared only in males.
Both the front and rear limbs were robust and strong, rather short, the animal's gait was quadrupedal, but it is suspected that sometimes to reach the leaves of taller plants it rises on the hind limbs leaning on the tail.
The front paws had five thick fingers and hoofed claws, and the rear paws had only four fingers, also provided with hoof-shaped claws.
The fossil remains of the dinosaur Yingshanosaurus were discovered in China, and based on them in 1984 Chinese paleontologist Xingyong Zhou described and named this species as Yingshanosaurus jichuanensis. The length of an adult Yingshanosaurus has been estimated at 5 m, height at 1.5 m and weight at one ton.
The head was very small and slightly elongated, the muzzle was not very robust, the masticatory muscles were little developed, the jaws had weak dentition – all show that the animal had to consume only the tender and soft plants, failing to pluck and chew the vegetation harder.
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Yingshanosaurus | Facts & InformationYingshanosaurus | Discover Fascinating Facts and Information About Yingshanosaurus